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‘You aren’t here for the hunting, are you?”

A series of unfortunate events:

  1. Mike Pence attends a football game where he knows there will be anthem protests.
  2. Mike Pence says in advance he will leave the game if there’s an anthem protest.
  3. Mike Pence leaves the game because there was an anthem protest.
  4. Mike Pence raises a stink about it on Twitter, asserting without basis that the protesters are disrespecting soldiers and hard-working Americans, and including a picture of himself standing during the anthem in 2014 (never considering that someone had to be distracted by taking that picture rather than paying attention to the national anthem).
  5. Mike Pence notes that his boss, Donald Trump, told him to leave the game if this happened, but that he did it willingly.

Sort of sounds like he went there intending to make a counter-protest of his own.

Heck, sounds like he’s one of the folk (along with his boss) adding “politics” to a sporting event.

If you go someplace knowing you will be offended by something you know will happen, in order to point out how offended you are, don’t you have to take at least some responsibility for being offended yourself?

[h/t +Stan Pedzick]

Mike Pence leaves San Francisco 49ers-Indianapolis Colts game over protesting during national anthem

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11 thoughts on “‘You aren’t here for the hunting, are you?””

  1. Mike Pence was alone in this action, nobody in the thousands of people who attended this game joined him. An Indianapolis newspaper interviewed one couple in the audience who supported the VP's action said the reason they didn't leave is because they had purchased their tickets some time ago

  2. +Johnny Z "… and we couldn't just let them go to waste!"

    Yeah, right.

    I don't doubt that there are people who didn't attend the game (pre-purchased tix or not) as a counter-protest. And that's there prerogative, regardless of their motive, and I can respect their sacrificing their entertainment/money for their principles, whether I agree with them or not.

    Pence was just showboating.

  3. I couldn't find any attendance stats,but i couldn't spot any empty seats just by looking. Reality doesn't make the Right any less right, even if it makes 3/4's of this nation wrong

  4. I don't why our un vice president is at the national football league when president trump had enough nerve to cuss out and threatened the national football league to fire the national football league owners and coaches when the cops are killers and get away with these murders off charges walk free instead of going to jail. Racism is gone we of all people need freedom ok

  5. U got that right wat need a vice presidential candidate and president trump like they disrespectful to all national football league and ladies also to the kids who is learning ok

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