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When Press Secretaries are Gaslighters

Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn’t even trying any more. Or, perhaps, she’s just upping her game.

I mean, it’s one thing when Trump says, “X” and Sanders says, “Well, what he really meant was not X, but Y.”

Apparently that’s too many words, as she’s now going directly to “No, he said Y.” Even though, yeah, there’s the video footage of him saying “X.”

There’s Trump, on tape, saying: _”We need quick justice and we need strong justice — much quicker and much stronger than we have right now — because what we have right now is a joke, and it’s a laughingstock.”

And there’s Sanders turning around and essentially asserting he said something different (emphasis mine).

A few hours after Trump’s Cabinet meeting, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, “Why did the president call the U.S. justice system a joke and a laughingstock?”

“That’s not what he said,” Sanders replied. “He said that process has people calling us a joke and a laughingstock.

Now, maybe that’s what he meant to say, or maybe that’s what was scripted for him to say. But it’s not what he actually said. He didn’t talk about “people” calling “us” a joke and laughingstock — he said, speaking for himself, that “what we have” is a joke and a laughingstock.

But Sanders isn’t arguing that Trump misspoke, or was unclear, or was misinterpreted. She’s simply asserting he said something different from what he said.

Gaslighting is a psychological term for where someone attempts to control someone else by asserting reality is different from their memory of it. It’s frequently used by abusive spouses and authoritarian regimes. If you can get someone doubting their memory of events, it means they can be convinced that something was their fault, that abuse never happened, or didn’t happen in just that way, or that it was somehow justified, or that future things they perceive are, perhaps, their own misunderstanding.

It’s rare that you see it in political contexts quite so blatantly, or so proximate to when the event happened and was caught on video, as this.

Hours after Trump calls US justice system ‘a laughingstock,’ White House denies he ever did
A reporter quoted the president’s words verbatim to press secretary Sarah Sanders, who insisted, “That’s not what he said.”

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55 thoughts on “When Press Secretaries are Gaslighters”

  1. +Robby Rash so you have a problem with your hearing ?
    Listen to what he said live, then listen to Sarah reply to what she claims he said. If you have problems with what you hear and what you want to hear, best stay away from making rediculous remarks. You only prove yourself to be rather gullable.

  2. +Robby Rash​​ it's not the mighty media saying it, it is any person outside the US who has even a passing interest in politics. Your Mr. Trump is a joke and a laughingstock. His administration is the very height of inept and corrupted croniism, and the view of the US as a world leader has become so diminished, as to to make Xi Jiping and China appear as a moderate and thoughtful alternative. Y'all are losing the battle for hegemony. And in reality, the only thing keeping the US head above water is the Petrodollar Recycling System, which could be dismantled at any time, should enough countries choose to reject it and move toward multicurrency oil sales. If that should happen the twenty four trillion dollar debt you owe the world will be called in, and your country would become the equal of Zimbabwe. Y'all need to ditch that idiot soon, or you're all gonna hate life.

  3. +Haleem Bostan

    Hillary Clinton has more ties to the Russians in the Public sector, then Donald Trump has in total. And yet, you were perfectly fine with a candidate that supplied 20% of the U.S' Uranium to the Russians. Don't see you bitching and moaning, you hypocrite.

  4. +Michael Cannon

    Discredited by who? I've yet to see anyone discredit that, in fact, it's quite known that it happened. Funny how the person investigating Trump, invested in hedge funds related to Russia and George Soros. And you seem to have no problems with that. Gee, totally not a conflict of interest there, but when it's Trump, you lose your minds.

  5. +Jordi Perullas there you go. Any time I see someone name drop Soros, I know that I'm talking to a Fox'nfriends, Alex Jones infowars, Breitbart flunky. As I said, try harder. Your Mr. Trump is making "Team America" from a very funny movie into an extremely frightening reality. Durka durka!!

  6. +Jordi Perullas you're funny ain't ya. I don't support Hillary if that's what you're implying. I'm simply all to aware of the history of the downfall of empires, and the Trumpian archetype is inevitably the precursor and architect of those downfalls. I tried to warn all y'all for the entire campaign. Hillary was the much lesser of two evils. But y'all chose the devil himself. Good luck getting him out now. The US will become the domain and personal bank of the Trump family, and there's probably little to stop it. Even impeachment won't be enough, because the gun toting "alt righters" will lead the charge into civil war. Best of luck to y'all. You know what they say, it pays to look at the big picture, but his diversionary tactics of focusing on unimportant small things and personality wars worked a treat, and the crazy right wingers ate it up like upsized Mcdonalds.
    You made your beds, and now you will have to lay in them…I just feel sorry for the thinking people of the US, because they're gonna suffer equally.

  7. I wouldn't even go there for a holiday and to poke fun at all y'all…
    Thankfully I can do it from the relative safety of the other side of the world. But your response clearly demonstrates your lack of comprehension of the world outside of the US, or indeed of the history of democracies and empires since the dawn of civilisation. I suggest reading Plato's Republica, maybe that'll open your eyes.
    Anyhoo… Enjoy what freedom you have left, it'll all be gone soon enough.
    Just as an interesting aside, your Mr. Trumps fascista mentor Mussolini once said, "you Americans will grow tired of democracy…" guess he was smarter than he looked

  8. +Jordi Perullas​ ahahahahaha hahaha haha haha…
    Bahahahahaha hahaha… Really? Is that really the best you've got? Wow!! Priceless. Like shooting ducks in a barrel. It's no wonder Mr. Trump and Alex Jones can get away with what they do. It's not me interfering in US politics.
    It's Miss Rebekah Mercer and her Daddy the wanna be overlord that y'all need to worry about..not Russians or Chinese or me.
    Too funny😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😉😊😋

  9. +Jordi Perullas 'And yet, you were perfectly fine with a candidate that supplied 20% of the U.S' Uranium to the Russians … I've yet to see anyone discredit that, in fact, it's quite known that it happened.'

    Yeah, except that it didn't.

    No, Hillary didn't "supply" anything:,

    And, no, not 20%:

    Or if you'd prefer it summarized on video:

    'Funny how the person investigating Trump, invested in hedge funds related to Russia and George Soros.'

    So I guess you referring to stories running in such sterling gems of journalistic integrity as Infowars [,]. Which indicates that the Mueller has investmnts (among his other investments) in the Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund, LLC, a sinister organization shrouded in mystery. [,]. One of the funds that this fund invests in is the OCCO Eastern European Fund [] — at least that's what Infowars says, though the link they include for Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund points to the 2013 SEC filing, not the 2017, so it's hard to say. But the 2013 filing indicates most of the funds invested in make up all of, oh, 4% each of the total. So if there actually is an Eastern European fund in there, that in turn includes "Eastern European and Russian securities" it's hard to see how that translates into sinister Russian influence on Robert Mueller.

    That same Mellon Optima fund, it seems, also had a fraction of its money in a fund managed bu someone who used to work for George Soros. Again, it's difficult to see how that particular influence works through managers and single-digit percentage investments within pools of other investments — or, for that matter, how George Soros and Russia (two very opposed parties) are somehow collaborating to, um, do something something to influence an investigation that folk like you keep denying has found anything.

    I mean, what are you actually arguing here is happening?

    Obligatory Disclosure: I have a 401(k) that has some foreign investments. It's quite possible that some of those funds are managed by some George Soros people, or by some Goldman Sachs people, or maybe some other people. It is possible that those funds have investments in companies that do business with Russia, or China, or India, or possibly Australia or Brazil. Make of that what you will.

    'As of right now, you have interfered in U.S politics just like the Russians. What you have just done is effectively what the Russians did back in 2016, "We don't like Clinton". "OMG the Russians interfered in U.S Elections."'

    Um, there's a difference between someone outside the country expressing a preference for one presidential candidate over another, and what Russia did.

    If the Russians simply said, "We don't like Clinton," that would one thing. And that would be very different from, oh, I don't, hacking into Democratic mail servers and distributing the contents to the press, or creating faux "American" activist groups to spray divisive Facebook ads and YouTube videos around the election … well, that would be considered foreign interference.

    Oh, yeah, and if Russian government officials, and Russians working with Russian government officials, and Russians working for Russian oligarchs who buddy around Vladimir Putin, were meeting with members of a candidate's campaign staff and offering to pass on or coordinate release of information that they'd stolen, or gotten from somewhere intelligence-related, that would be foreign interference, too.

    Oh, and if Russians were targeting election systems, or voter registration systems, or things like that, that would be foreign interference, too.

    If you can point to where the commenters here did something like that, I'll be happy to accuse them of foreign influence.

  10. Oh, and, community: I know there's a certain cathartic joy in calling Trump a poopy-head, but it doesn't really add to the conversation. Nor does ad hominem attacking other commenters. Just saying.

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