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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on Anthem Protests in the NFL

Amid angry tweets from the President, loud shouting from some football fans, and declining ratings (which were declining even before the episode), the NFL has partially caved on the whole “taking a knee during the national anthem” thing. Under the new rules, which basically go back to the status quo ante of some years ago, players will no longer be required to be out on the field during the anthem, but, if they are, they will be required to “show respect” during the anthem, including standing, etc.

So players will not be, arguably, compelled to perform political speech, or be obliged to act patriotically. But only in the context of not being visible. Any actual protest they have about things (e.g., the original concerns expressed about police actions against African-Americans) will need to find another venue or opportunity.

I’ll be curious to see what comes next. The nationalists will crow that they’ve put “those people” in their place (the President is already blathering about it). The underlying issues remain unresolved. How many players will choose to sit out the anthem behind the scenes, and how will that work?

And will the fans who claim they stopped watching because of this actually turn around and start watching (assuming they actually stopped)?

It’s an easy compromise for the NFL owners. I’m not sure it will truly make anyone happy (except for a few dolts), but it will mean the owners aren’t getting angry calls from the White House, so I guess that means that their biggest concern is addressed.


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