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Because of course Trump wants more nukes and less nuke worker safety

Donald is ramping up production of more nuclear warheads, while at the same time slashing the size and the authority of the agency tasked with making sure nuclear warhead production is safe.

Because of course he is.

White House Hobbles Nuclear Weapons Safety Agency
As Trump calls for new bomb production, the administration cuts safety board access to nuclear facilities

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7 thoughts on “Because of course Trump wants more nukes and less nuke worker safety”

  1. "As you know, Dave", said the President, "nuclear weapons manufacture is a ripe harvest for savings on safety compliance."

    Dave nodded with enforced calm and surreptitiously stroked the boarding pass in his pocket which guaranteed his family places on the Tau Ceti mission.

  2. Ahhh, the Reagan approach to potential problems, get rid of the people that could stop the problems and cause the wealthy to be less wealthy.

    Trump continues to be the end stage of both Capitalism and Reaganism.

  3. +Dave Hill only if he decides to use the weapons, otherwise the outcome would be a fire like the Flats had twice (back when production was all that mattered and safety wasn’t even a consideration), or a criticality (which would only kill those in the immediate area). While the criticality would be really bad for a handful of folks, a fire and release of radioactive materials would be bad for a lot more folks in Texas, Ohio, and northern New Mexico.

  4. +Dave Hill also, if the unions were really concerned about this, they could do like they did at the Flats, go on a work stoppage and file grievances on every little thing they see and bring the whole thing to a dead stop.

    Though, I suspect the unions concern is purely monitory, and they back Trump 1000%.

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