I’m afraid this was a bit of the Lost Weekend for me, due to all the blog upgrade bits (which I don’t regret at all, as 75% of it was stuff that I needed to get done on the blog anyway, new platform or not). Other things going on around me …
- Katherine went to Ryan’s birthday party at the Lone Tree rec center pool. They eschewed the Official Party Package, and instead camped out on some tables over in one corner. This caused some hilarity when we arrived, went to the party room, saw it full of party gear and presents and everything, but nobody there, and were afraid we’d missed it. No such worries — there were a total of four different birthday parties going on — one in the party room, three others (unofficial, save for covering our admission) out by poolside. The kids had amazing levels of running-around fun, and Katherine’s voted for that as her next party coming up in May.
- The above gave Margie and I a chance to eat at the Indian place by the UA across 470 from Park Meadows (behind Sweet Tomatoes), India’s Clay Oven. Very tasty, and when they tell you “spicy” as the heat level, it is. We’ll probably take Kitten back there at some point, esp. given their wide variety of veggie dishes. Recommended.
- Saturday day we got a delivery of wine from Carol Shelton. Yay.
- Saturday night we went over to Doyce and Kate’s for the Birthday Shindig. Lots of standing around and chatting, lots of playing of Wii, lots of standing around watching people play Wii. Yes, I can envision us getting one. Maybe. Eventually.
- Sunday included a shopping trip to our local Safeway, which they are doing a major remodeling effort on to bring it to Modern Classy Suburban Safeway status, complete with reshuffling where everything is stocked. It’s kind of zany, but it’s also fun watching them update it week by week.
- Margie pan-fried some excellent steaks for dinner, and put up with my being glued to the keyboard. Kitten made major progress on her Science Fair project write-up (Sugar Crystals – Threat or Menace?), which all happens Thursday.
- Ktten’s off to ski for Presidents Day. Margie is taking the day off. In retrospect, I should have, too. 🙂
So I guess there was life outside of blogs. Just not much.
I was going to get a Wii when they released The Force Unleashed, but I lost my job a few weeks before that, and it was no longer in my budget. I was really looking forward to some serious lightsaber action, too. 🙁
There was, indeed, some Fun Stuff on there. Not buying one any times soon, but …
The Wii is okay as a party game but not much else really.
My kids LOVE our Wii (got it for X-mas) and my newlly 11 year old son got Rock Band for his birthday. He was totally rocking out for hours! =)
I have my PC for non-party-type games — not much interest in using the Wii for ‘proper’ gaming, which makes it a bit ideal for less sedentary evenings.
Also, I’ll be honest: I got it for Wii Fit, which is pretty darn good.