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State Run Media! Eek!

The ranting and raving showing up in the Right’s hinterlands over TV network coverage of a speech by the President is reaching new frenetic heights.

Take this email I just got (no idea why I’m on the list, but it’s usually entertaining) from ABIP, sent either by “Kathryn” (in the email) or “Sara” (the email address).

ABC has joined NBC as official state media by planning to broadcast an unopposed Obama Healthcare “Infomercial” on June 24 to help Obama take over our health care system. ABC/Obama (one and the same) has rejected any Republican/oppostion response. Obamas speech will be broadcast directly from the Whitehouse. This is a new low for America. We must take a stand to help stop the slide toward communism/fascism.

If our health care system falls to the communist/fascist threat as well, then many believe it’s game over. Let us not go quietly in the night; we won’t give up our free market without a fight! Let’s get the calls going to our local ABC affiliate now and follow up with a protest on June 24!! What do you think?

Oh, Looney Tunes, let me count the ways …

  1. Remember the days when there was no question that when the president was going to give a speech it was automatically covered, live, by all the networks? That’s not “official state media,” that’s newsworthiness, plus respect for the office.
  2. Were Dubya’s speeches about Iraq “infomercials” for the war? (I’m sure some think yes, but I suspect the senders of this email would disagree.)
  3. I’m not aware of any particular constitutional right for the Republicans (or, when they are in that seat, the Democrats) to have their “response” broadcast. In fact, I find it annoying no matter who’s in the White House, as it turns the whole thing into a he-said-they-said equivalence, usually not adding any signal to the noise.
  4. ABC and Obama are one and the same? Wow! Hey, Mr. President, can I make some complaints about your Tuesday evening line-up?
  5. Obama is giving his speech “directly from the Whitehouse” [sic]? Why doesn’t he go out and rent a hall the way every other US President does? The nerve!
  6. Um … “communism/fascism”? Why not throw in “papalism / dadaism / antidisestablishmentarianism” while you’re at it, as that would be nearly as coherent.

A nice chuckle for the afternoon.

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4 thoughts on “State Run Media! Eek!”

  1. This is so right ON, Dave!

    I’m not ashamed to say I listen to Rush Limbaugh on my commute to work… I enjoy the Hell out of picking apart his screeds and the language he uses, quite intentionally. By repetition he changes the meaning of words and phrases in the minds of his audience – look what happened to “liberal!”

    What’s shameful is that so many people fall for it hook, line and sinker. It’s difficult to believe such a large group of my fellow Americans are that frickin’ easily manipulated. As ashamed as I am of the gullibility of adult human beings, I can’t help but have some grudging admiration for those who can make them fall in line (sorta the same way I feel about Evangelicals and their leaders).

    I listen to the “conservative” talk station – other than Limbaugh & Dr. Laura, most of the other shows are hosted by people who seem more Libertarian or Constitutionalist than right-wing Republican (hence my affinity!). Oh, and that’s also where I attend “church,” from 6-9AM on Sundays listening to The Jesus Christ Show. I’m very interested in knowing exactly what sect this Jesus fellow belongs to! So far, I haven’t quite figured it out, though it’s definitely Protestant of some flavor.

    For some of us, no matter how many times we hear or see something, we’re just not stupid enough to allow others to define reality for us regardless of how good it might sound or how right it may feel.

  2. I can’t listen to Rush more than a few minutes at the time before I become a hazard to traffic, so I don’t.

    I admire your devotion, though — 6 a.m. Sunday is way too early for me to get up for church, even if I don’t have to get dressed for it. 🙂

  3. I think my head would ‘asplode from the heightened blood pressure if I listened to more than a few minutes of the drug-addled gasbag . . ..

  4. That’s part of the traffic hazard I would represent. Other symptoms would include taking my hands off the wheel to punch the radio, taking my hands off the wheel tear out my ears, and taking my eyes off the road to stare at the radio in disbelief that someone actually said what he just said.

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