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“Law & Order: KSM”

The Daily Show on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, trials in NYC, street justice, the many faces of Rudy Giuliani, and why the greatest thing to fear about a New York KSM trial isn’t the justice system or terrorism …

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Order: KSM
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

Ten minutes, but worth every drop.

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5 thoughts on ““Law & Order: KSM””

  1. On the same topic, did you hear the story on NPR which I think aired on Mon or Tues about the prison in Northern IL that was willing to accept the terrorists and hold them? Their economy is in shambles and the newly built prison was supposed to help. Which it didn’t and now the town is thinking this would be a way to bring in some jobs. I say good for them.

    What is the world coming to when we find ourselves agreeing with Geraldo? ;-P Thanks for posting the clip it was so friggin funny!

  2. I find it hard to believe, in this era over prison over-population due to “three strikes” laws and the War on Drugs, that Illinois could have a nearly-empty prison.

    That said, if they are interested in it, then more power to them.

  3. Yup! That’s the one. I find it interesting that despite the interest there isn’t a huge backlash yet. I guess we just need for Fox News to get a hold of the story huh?

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