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Getting vaguely serious about this podcasting thang


Well, not that serious — but enough so that I’ve …

  1. Added in a WP plugin (Blubrry PowerPress) to do the funky little on-screen players for the podcasts (or, I imagine, any other MP3 file I might reference).
  2. Made copies the three SEB podcasts over on my own domain, just to ease the huge bandwidth crunch that my hundreds of readers were causing Les by playing them over and over again from his page.  (I am, of course, kidding.)
  3. Gotten rid of the link list references in the sidebar, and instead created a formal page (see tab at the top of the blog) for “Podcasts” where I can consolidate all the SEB podcasts together into one convenient package.

(The last  worked a lot better once I realized that I had created a “podcasts” directory to store them, and then was creating a WP page called “podcasts” — which, not surprisingly, threw a cryptic but quite justifiable error when I’d try to then go to that page. Stupid, stupid rat creature …)

Anyway, now that I have gone to all this effort, we’ll probably never record another one again (that’s how these mad schemes of mine usually go), but I’ll keep my fingers crossed and we’ll see.  At the very least, it will be easy to go back and listen to them when I’m sitting in my rocking chair during my approaching dotage.

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One thought on “Getting vaguely serious about this podcasting thang”

  1. I’m going to have to steal the code for that page so I can set it up on my own site now. I’d forgotten to do something like it myself and why reinvent the wheel?

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