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Unblogged Bits (Mon. 19-Sep-11 1131)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Perry Says Supreme Court ‘Taking The Appropriate Path’ In Stopping Execution, Even Though He Was Set To Allow It – That there are others around to catch (some of) your mistakes doesn’t mean you have a good system — it means you have one that makes mistakes and depends on others to catch (some of) them. That’s a bug, not a feature.
  2. Does Israel Have A Strategy? – They do. Or Netanyahu does, at least.
  3. Corporate Cash Hoarding Reflects Inadequate Demand – Demand is down, not because corporations and millionaires are “uncertain” about tax laws and the like but because people simply don’t have jobs (and we continue to eliminate public sector jobs, ratchet down union jobs, and cut off unemployment checks). If there is demand (fueled by people with jobs and therefore money to spend) then there will be supply (production that requires additional jobs to fulfill). That’s pretty basic, it would seem to me.
  4. How big is the blogosphere? [infographic] – Holy Kaw!
  5. Doe v. Government-Sponsored Religion: Why Plaintiffs Sometimes Need To Be Anonymous « The Wall of Separation – I’m of mixed feelings here – anonymity is sometimes important, and sometimes a way to avoid personal responsibility for one’s actions. I tend to prefer transparency in political matters, but I can also understand why folks might be reluctant to speak up in these contexts.
  6. Breitbart On Conservatives Vs Liberals: “We Outnumber Them…And We Have The Guns” – Again with the rhetoric of guns and violence from the Right. And if a Dem had said these very words, every Right-wing pundit would have been calling for his/her head, arrest, banishment, drawing and quartering, trial for treason, whatever.
  7. Joe Lieberman loves Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann – Don’t go away mad, Joe. Just go away.
  8. Bachmann: It’s ok to spread lies about vaccines because I never said I’m a doctor – War Room – – Stay classy, Michele!
  9. DC Women Kicking Ass – Happy 83rd Birthday Adam West! – For all that it’s amusing to poke fun at Adam West, he’s a man that seems very comfortable with the role life dealt him, and carries it off with a nice sense of humor. Happy Birthday, sir.
  10. The importance of the Oxford comma – Holy Kaw! – Respect the comma! Respect it!
  11. The death penalty disconnect – Actually, beyond the the initial disconnect that this article points out,Perry’s position is quite consistent: what he wants is less non-local government regulation of the death penalty. None of this mandated appeal process, mandated legal representation nonsense, mandated appeals to other authorities for clemency. Once someone is convicted by a jury of Twelve Angry Texans, then Texas should be able to string ’em up and move on to the next murdering scum, case closed.
  12. Sweet Elderly Couple Tests Their New Webcam [VIRAL VIDEO] – Heh.
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