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Gun uncontrolled

Yeah, I'd forgotten this bit of tech joy coming up in conversation a year or two ago.  While this kind of technology has a lot of very cool positives in how it will revolutionize things, there are clearly some negatives.  And even if the current versions have limits, 3D printing only get better over time.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

Well, this is an alarming turn of events. I wouldn't have thought the materials in 3D printing could withstand the forces involved in a firing gun, but apparently they can. As 3D printers become less expensive and widely available it'll make any gun regulations as about as effective as anti-piracy efforts have been for digital media. Unlike piracy, however, this is totally legal.

“There are no restrictions on an individual manufacturing a firearm for personal use,” a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) spokesperson, told Ars.

“Download this gun”: 3D-printed semi-automatic fires over 600 rounds
The white portion of this AR-15, known as the “lower,” was manufactured using 3D printing.

Defense Distributed

Cody Wilson, like many of his Texan forebears, is fast-talkin’ and fast-shootin’—but unlike his predecessors in the Lone Star State, he’s got 3D printing technology to further his agenda.
Wilson’s non-profit organization, Defense Distributed, released a video this week showing a gun firing off over 600 rounds—illustrating what is likel…

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