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B5 Rewatch: 2×17 "Knives"

Oops. Some out-of-order watching here. Somehow I missed ep 15 ("And Now for a Word"), and instead went straight to ep 17 ("Knives"), as that one should have been aired before ep 16 ("In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"), except the latter took so much post-production work).  So … clear as mud?

It's actually okay at the moment, since "Knives" is something of a stand-alone, Larry DiTillio's last script, and (with a single exception down the line) the last non-JMS episode of the series.  Overall, it's fair-to-middlin' writing, though in many ways it could have been a ST:TNG episode just as easily — sub Picard for Sheridan, Worf for Londo (back in the Klingon Empire Succession days of TNG) — which I'll leave to the viewer as whether it's a good or a bad thing.

The A-Plot, from which the ep name, has an old friend, Urza Jaddo, visit Londo on B5. After copious drinking ( and reminiscing about their good old days in a fencing society (Centauri nobility keep looking more and more like Renaissance Italy), Urza drops his bombshell: he's about to be declared a traitor and he and his family ruined, all because Urza's against the faction on Centauri who are pushing the war with the Narn. Londo's gobsmacked, though also clearly a bit wary about being exploited (once again) for his influence (oddly enough, Urza doesn't seem to know much about how Londo's been influencing things, or for which faction, which is kind of weird given his later chiding Londo for his ignorance). Londo promises to lend Urza a hand, but soon discovers (after a chat with Lord Refa back on homeworld) that he's not been paying enough attention to court politics lately.  

Ultimately, Urza discovers that Londo's buds with Refa, and challenges him to a duel with blades, which Londo reluctantly agrees to ( The duel (conspicuously not well-blocked) ends with Londo's friend dead — just what Urza wanted, as that means that he died with honor, and Londo's required to take Urza's family into his own clan.

There are elements in this A-plot that shine — mostly Londo standing up for his friend, grieving for his friend, and discovering how out of touch he's gotten with Centauri politics, all of which may cause him further grief down the road. Vir has some good scenes, too, from supporting Londo's better nature to arguing with him about Centauri opera (the video below; another nice moment is here:  All in all, decent — but it still smacks too much as a done-in-one.

The B-plot is even more Trek-like.  Sheridan gets (I'll cut to the spoilers chase here) unwittingly invaded by an other-dimensional creature that slipped into our universe out of the B4 rift last season. Before he realizes this, he's hallucinating and acting erratically, to the consternation (but not much consternation, oddly) of the command staff.  Eventually, understanding what the alien is all about, Sheridan takes a Starfury out to the B4 sector and energy-vomits it up (, to everyone's amazement and chit-chat back home.

This B-plot is remarkably light-weight.  The "The Captain Is Going Crazy but Has A Really Good Reason for It" plotline was hackneyed back when every other episode of "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" was doing it, and nothing here makes it particularly B5ish.  The B5 command staff are stunningly low-key about the whole matter (I mean, the captain is having delusions, shooting up his quarters, calling for scans of empty coordinates, and people just kind of raise a slightly concerned eyebrow or pass it off with a joke).  If not for the reminder that Sheridan lost his wife on the Icarus (which is why this ep is supposed to go before preceding one) and the reminder about B4 (Sheridan getting a covert briefing on it), this plotline could be snipped from the annals of the show with no harm done.

So, net net, not a bad episode, just an uninspired one. It reminds a lot of a Season 1 ep, only done with more polish. The acting is decent, the FX reasonable, the plots cliche, but all better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Overall, there are a few nice shout-outs to previous DiTillio eps — Londo reminiscing about Adira ("Born to the Purple") and Sheridan telling Franklin he's bossy, "just like your father" ("GROPOS"), though no Jovian Sunspots being drunk. This "DiTillioverse" within the B5 universe is alternately fun (continuity!) and irksome (self-referential continuity!).  But DiTillio was out after this season, as there was no need for him as "executive story editor" if Joe was writing everything …

From here on out, the season gets a lot more interesting.

Most Dramatic Moment: Londo holding his dying friend, desperately looking around for something to make it all not be happening.
Most Amusing Moment: Londo and Vir arguing over Centauri opera (, Centauri Space Opera).
Most Arc-ish Moment: Londo chatting with Refa and realizing that being the figure who is winning the war for the Narn (via the Shadows) isn't necessarily enough to secure his power, or even perhaps his safety. Londo's going to be trying to pay a lot more attention in the future, and he and Refa will not be quite as close as they have been.

Overall Rating:  3.0 / 5 

– Lurker’s Guide:
– Babylon Project:
– IMDb:
– AV Club: [includes next episode]
– Kay Shapero:

Next ep is "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum," as conspiracy and epicness get kicked up to 12.

#babylon5 #b5

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