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Job Hunt: Week 1

In which Our Hero doesn't actually do any job hunting, but preparation for same, which frustrates the heck out of him, but was probably the right thing to do, as long as job hunting ensues soon:

– I got my resume and LinkedIn profile much more up to snuff — and have some further stuff on both counts that needs doing.

– I got some shiny new head shots to use for profiles, resumes, etc.

– I consulted a close friend of the family, an executive HR professional, about my severance package and the reasonableness of same.

– I reached out and contacted some folk to establish some references I can use.

– I ran my resume past a few people for review. More of that to do.

– I considered What I Want To Be When I Grow Up, and how that might impact what I want to apply for in a job. That probably needs to be better codified.

– I battled back terror about the clock ticking, about spending any money whatsoever, about living out my days in a soggy refrigerator box in an alley, about … yeah, all of that.

Let's see what next week brings.


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6 thoughts on “Job Hunt: Week 1”

  1. Having gone through a couple of downsizings after mergers, I am absolutely confident you're going to be fine. You're doing all the right things. Just continue to remember to breathe when the refrigerator box beckons.

  2. The old adage says something like “If you have five minutes to cut down a tree, spend the first two sharpening your ax.” You’re sharpening your ax, which is exactly the right thing to do.

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