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Podcast prototype

Well, it’s been nearly six months, and the proposed podcast that Les is putting together hasn’t happened quite yet. But Les and I did actually get some two-way audio (and one-way video) communication going last night, via Skype.

Not surprisingly, Les is a pleasant and entertaining fellow to chat with, though I’m sure our respective wives thought our respective ends of the conversation were a bit goofy. We nattered away for probably a good hour, which simply demonstrates we both can talk for that long (no surprise there) on random and most-likely-interesting-only-to-us topics. But it’s a start. And it was fun.

I will, of course, let you know anything further on the planning for this at such time as there’s anything to let you know.

The Voice of ***Dave

Les is (having conquered numerous technical difficulties) looking at starting some sort of podcast. And he’s been kind enough to actually invite me to help him out. The test recording…

Les is (having conquered numerous technical difficulties) looking at starting some sort of podcast. And he’s been kind enough to actually invite me to help him out.

The test recording I made last night sounded decent enough, though there was a weird phasing effect from time to time that made me sound like I was in a bad sci-fi film. I had ***Dave check it out to see if it sounded OK to him and he said it was pretty good though I had a deeper voice than he expected. I told him my voice varies depending on the time of day, how excited and/or how tired I am. It’s a lot of jumping through hoops to make use of TalkShoe, but it works and doesn’t sound half bad. The next step is to actually plan out an episode and find someone to join me so it’s not just me blabbing aimlessly. ***Dave has already said he’d be happy to do the first podcast with me and we’re looking at maybe a half-hour to get things started.

Which means there can be two of us blabbing aimlessly, I guess.

The wonders of the Internet, that someone I’ve never met in person could invite me to record chit-chat together on some topic TBD and then have it posted such that family, friends, and utter strangers in Ulan Bator can listen to it whenever they want. Freaking amazing.

It was kind of interesting hearing Les’ voice. Obviously he’s a large, solid fellow and all, and evidently it does change in pitch like everyone else’s, but it still sounded deeper and more resonant than I’d “heard” in my head. Which also raises the parallel interesting (well, to me) question of what people think my voice sounds like. Which will soon no longer be a secret held closely by, ah, everyone who wanders within voice range of me.

Anyway, check your local listings for date and time. Or, um, I’ll let you guys know if/when it happens.

***Kay Does the Podcast

Katherine’s 3rd grade class did some interviews with 5th graders about writing, and recorded them for podcasts. The results are here (she’s in Interview 5, where she opens the interview, asks…

Katherine’s 3rd grade class did some interviews with 5th graders about writing, and recorded them for podcasts. The results are here (she’s in Interview 5, where she opens the interview, asks the question around 1:55 “Do you have any suggestions for being a better writer?” and at 3:10 asks regarding writing about family).

Let me note, btw, that having an online grade and class web page is sooooo cool.