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The future is now

If there’s one thing that’s annoying about James Lileks’ Bleat blog is that its a single daily essay. So if you want to read today’s, you have to start off…

If there’s one thing that’s annoying about James Lileks’ Bleat blog is that its a single daily essay. So if you want to read today’s, you have to start off with what looks like a mundane bit that turns into some nice thoughts on how the world has really become as cool as Star Trek was; then some annoying self-doubt on his new book; and then some spot-on commentary about Voyager (of all things).

It would be nice if those were all neatly packaged into separate posts, so I could just bombard you with lots of links to them. Instead, I always have to weigh the boring bits (a few) against the bravissimo bits (which are usually many).

Nonetheless, he’s in my daily read list. Good stuff.

The Story So Far …

Friday afternoon turned out to be a little more hectic than originally intended, since I had to take Katherine in for a follow-up doctor’s appointment regarding her ear infection. All…

Friday afternoon turned out to be a little more hectic than originally intended, since I had to take Katherine in for a follow-up doctor’s appointment regarding her ear infection. All looks well.

Gaming Friday night was fun, as expected. Pre-game, Rey introduced us to “Fluxx,” an insane card game that is remarkably complex and remarkably simple at the same time. During the game, as might have been predicted, now that I had seen it nobody wanted to talk about the movie, except to bitch a little bit.

Prep Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning made for a successful episode of “The Justice Squad.” Plots, mysteries, and foreshadowing abounds — my favorite sort of stuff to GM. The evening closed with me loading Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force on my machine and phasering the snot out of some Bad Guys.

I failed to remember, while plotting out the weekend, that today is Fathers Day. I don’t know what that means, plan-wise. I suspect, though, it will involve kitchen-cleaning, since a 3L bottle of mead Margie was making for the camp-out next weekend exploded on the kitchen peninsula last night (before, mercifully, we went to bed — if it had waited a couple of hours, it would have been a real disaster when I arrived downstairs this morning).

I’ve got a good Dad. While they were out, I got him a Fathers Day gift, a DVD of Tora, Tora, Tora, which he enjoyed.

So that all explains the dearth of posts here over the last few days. That, and I still haven’t gotten the wireless networking working, so it’s either my computer online at home, or Margie’s. Maybe I’ll work on that today.

Dave from A to Z

A – Animals/Pets: Two was-he cats, Mist (grey tabby), Indy (black). B – Best Friend: Margie. C – Cohabitants: A+B+Katherine. D – Desire(s): Lots more well-remunerated free time. E -…

A – Animals/Pets: Two was-he cats, Mist (grey tabby), Indy (black).
B – Best Friend: Margie.
C – Cohabitants: A+B+Katherine.
D – Desire(s): Lots more well-remunerated free time.
E – Eye Color: Hazel, same as Margie, even though it’s different.
F – Favorite Food(s): Rum Raisin ice cream; Margie’s Pepper Steak ‘n’ Fixin’s; Tater Tots.
G – Games: Sundry RPGs; Pictionary.
H – Habit(s): Blogging; playing with my beard.
I – Interests: Writing, Blogging, Gaming, 1st Person Shooters; Comic Books.
J – Job: IT Manager for Advanced Technology & Standards for a Great Metropolitan Engineering Company.
K – Kitchen (Wonder or Blunder?): Give me a recipe and I can do anything. As long as I don’t get my teaspons and tablespoons mixed up.
L – Languages: English, a smattering of Spanish, a grunt of German, a lisp of Latin.
M – Most Valued Possession(s) (an item, not people/pets): My back-up disks.
N – Name (Named after?): “David” wasn’t after anyone in particular (I think it was popular about that time because of Eisenhower); “Christopher” after the saint, before he was rendered mythical.
O – Outfit You Love: Shorts, oversized T, bare feet.
P – Pizza Toppings: Pepperoni & Mushrooms.
Q – Question Asked To You the Most: “Dadddeeeee?”
R – Relationship/Partner: Wife, Margie.
S – Sport: (Playing) Golf; (Watching) Hockey, Football, Golf.
T – Television Show(s): B5, ST:TOS, FarScape.
U – Unsavory characteristic(s): Sloth, Avarice, Gluttony, Pride.
V – Video (Favorites): Undercover Blues; Sneakers; Princess Bride; Judgment at Nuremberg; Dogma; Manchurian Candidate.
W – Webpage (Favorite–not your own): The Bleat.
X – Xylophone (or other Instrument?): Viola, once up a time.
Y – Year Born: Year of the Rat.
Z – Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.

(Via CrazyTracy)

Just the thing I need, how nice …

TV Guide learned a long time ago that “List” issues are big sellers. The Top Ten Comedies. The Top Twenty Dramas. The Twenty-Five Best TV Actors. The list goes on,…

TV Guide learned a long time ago that “List” issues are big sellers. The Top Ten Comedies. The Top Twenty Dramas. The Twenty-Five Best TV Actors. The list goes on, and on, and on, until you’re sure you saw that cover blurb a year or two ago. And maybe you did.

So the latest-greatest is, in honor of the magazine’s 50th Anniversary, a list of the Fifty Greatest Television Shows of All Time — at least as produced and broadcast in the US.

The list (and my inevitable thoughts):

1. Seinfeld (Never have figured out the attraction.)

2. I Love Lucy (This, on the other hand, was a true classic.)

3. The Honeymooners (See #1. Gleason just never did it for me.)

4. All in the Family (Groundbreaking, I guess.)

5. The Sopranos (Any show less than five years old — or even any show still in production — should be excluded from such a list, sez I. That having been said, badda-bing, I’ve enjoyed all two episodes I’ve watched on business trips.)

6. 60 Minutes (Groundbreaking news show. Hell, I remember watching this when I was still living with my parents!)

7. The Late Show with David Letterman (I’d rather give the nod to Johnny (#12). Or even Steve.)

8. The Simpsons (Yup.)

9. The Andy Griffith Show (Never have cared for it.)

10. Saturday Night Live (Certainly wins the “This Show Will Be Cancelled After This Season” Anti-Prediction Award.)

11. The Mary Tyler Moore Show (Triffic stuff.)

12. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (Never watched it much, but it was a seminal show in its influence both on talk shows, on comedy, and on late-night TV.)

13. The Dick Van Dyke Show (Probably one of the most brilliant comedies ever.)

14. Hill Street Blues (As a trend-setter for grim-n-gritty, sure.)

15. The Ed Sullivan Show (No comment.)

16. The Carol Burnett Show (Was to the Variety Show what Dick Van Dyke was to the sitcom.)

17. Today Show (No comment.)

18. Cheers (Never much cared for it. The characters spent way too much time being mean to each other.)

19. thirtysomething (No comment.)

20. St. Elsewhere (Was to doctor shows what HSB was to cop shows. Great, great stuff.)

21. Friends (Another show I have never “gotten.”)

22. ER (At least they had the decency to rank it below St. E.)

23. Nightline (No comment.)

24. Law & Order (Entertaining, yes. Long-lived, absolutely. One of the greatest? Feh.)

25. M*A*S*H (The Tragicomedy. Good, solid stuff, even if it got preachy as time went on.)

26. The Twilight Zone (Give me the Outer Limits any day. But I’ll take the nod to sf/fantasy.)

27. Sesame Street (No comment.)

28. The Cosby Show (Entertaining, but I liked Bill on a number of other shows he did a lot better. I, Spy, anyone?)

29. Donahue (No comment, except to note that his successors in the talk show arena make Donahue look like Einstein.)

30. Your Show of Shows (No comment.)

31. The Defenders (No comment.)

32. American Family (No comment.)

33. Playhouse 90 (No comment.)

34. Frasier (See #18.)

35. Roseanne (See #18.)

36. The Fugitive (Probably the best of the QM herd. Great, audience-gripping action, formulaic as all hell, and a marvelous herd of guest stars. This one deserves to rank higher.)

37. The X-Files (Another show I never got into. Given that folks have said it’s sucked for the past few seasons, I’m not sure how it ranks here, except as a cult classic.)

38. The Larry Sanders Show (Funny.)

39. The Rockford Files (I’d prefer Maverick, but they’re basically both the James Garner Show, so I’ll take it. But the greatest?)

40. Gunsmoke (No comment.)

41. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Damned sight better than a lot of the ones ranked above it.)

42. Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In (Okay.)

43. Bonanza (One of the better westerns, which is not saying much.)

44. The Bob Newhart Show (I can’t believe this one ranks below Cheers, Frazier, Roseanne … It’s another MTM classic.)

45. Twin Peaks (Cult classic. Yawn.)

46. Star Trek: The Next Generation (I’d rate the first three seasons of DS9 as better than any season of TNG … but I’d probably have to rate TOS as the best of the franchise, all told. And Farscape beats any of them, hands down.)

47. Rocky and His Friends (This should be in the Top 20.)

48. Taxi (Another show I never understood. If you want dark, urban comedy, how about Night Court?)

49. The Oprah Winfrey Show (No comment.)

50. Bewitched (What?!)

You can also go vote for the Best Single Series of All Time at the site. Dick Van Dyke got my vote.

It’s Thursday, so it’s time for …

… the Friday Five! 1. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Currently the only (adult) TV show I am managing to watch with regularity (now that it’s back on)…

… the Friday Five!

1. What’s your favorite TV show and why?

Currently the only (adult) TV show I am managing to watch with regularity (now that it’s back on) is Farscape, so I guess that’s the answer.

2. Who is your favorite television star?

Robert Culp. I’ve always enjoyed the shows he’s been on, from I, Spy, to some keen episodes of The Outer Limits, to even The Greatest American Hero.

3. What was your favorite TV show as a child?

I once locked my folks out of the back half of the house because they wouldn’t let me stay up to watch Star Trek.

On the other hand, I really enjoyed Hobo Kelly, too. And I grew up watching I Love Lucy (in reruns, of course) during dinner time.

4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now?

Seventh Heaven. The show has never had any appeal for me, but at least early on in its run it looked like decent, wholesome entertainment. Now the ads, at least, make it look like Torrid Family Drama. Bleah.

5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season?

Are there new shows on? Hmmmm. The new Justice League cartoon.

6. UNOFFICIAL BONUS QUESTION: What are you doing this weekend?


  • Work on finishing up some Business Continuity policy documents.
  • Play Star Wars at Doyce’s house.Saturday:
  • Sleep in. A little bit.
  • Clean, clean, clean!
  • Host a dinner party for 16 (a church group that rotates dinner hosting between different houses monthly)Sunday:
  • Church.
  • Help do yardwork at the church.
  • Do yardwork at the house, too. Plant trees that didn’t get planted.Boy, sure sounds like a church-y kind of weekend. Fortunately I’m playing an Evil Role-Playing Game on Friday night, so that will help balance me, karmically.

What we’re reading …

I picked up both these books while on my trip to Oak Ridge last week. Rankings (new as of this book review) are from 1 (bleah) to 3 (yeah!). A…

I picked up both these books while on my trip to Oak Ridge last week.

Rankings (new as of this book review) are from 1 (bleah) to 3 (yeah!).

A Kiss of ShadowsA Kiss of Shadows, by Laurell K. Hamilton

  • Summary: [2] LKH starts a new series, seemingly because she couldn’t portray enough rough sex in her Anita Blake books. This new set of tales, of a mortal faerie princess, fleeing the dangers of the Unseelie Court only to have them catch up with her, could have used a prequel novel — “Here’s how Meredith’s life is like before it gets completely changed.” Instead, we have to settle for a few chapters of that before things get turned completely upside down. LKH, as in the Blake novels, does an interesting job of crafting an intersection between the Real World and the Fantastic (what the world would be like if the fay and the sidhe were real). But more than once I got the impression it was all in the service of writing a rough sex bodice-ripper, albeit one that could make the NYT Bestseller List. This book just came out in paperback; there are one (or is it two?) later volumes in hardback. I’ll probably continue to read it — but I’d rather read the metaphysical soap opera of Anita Blake than the B/D adventures of Meredith Gentry.
  • Entertainment: [2] The introduction of Faerie into the Real World is reasonably handled, although there are times when LKH seems to pull “gotchas” out of a hat. The sex scenes are pretty good, if you like a little pain with your pleasure.
  • Profundity: [1] Life’s a bitch, and so’s your aunt, but you can always screw your way out of a problem.
  • Re-readability: [1] I just don’t see picking this one up again soon. I may feel better once there are some others in the series.

Being HumanBeing Human, by Peter David

  • Summary: [2] The latest in PAD’s Star Trek: New Frontiers series carries on the various plot lines of the past dozen-plus volumes. Humor, TOS continuity, in-jokes, and drama are tossed about with PAD’s usual aplomb. the enigmatic McHenry finally gets his story told — which, like most long-standing mysteries, is less entertaining than the enigma, but still worth the price of admission. PAD does the usual deft juggling of different places, in this case splitting the action between two starships (as his cast of characters continues to grow).
  • Entertainment: [3] My only complaint is that these books can be polished off in a long evening.
  • Profundity: [2] What does it mean to be human? Or, from the B-plot, when is it worth making a deal with the devil?
  • Re-readability: [2] I’ve actually just started rereading the series. Their shortness, though, makes it difficult to take them on vacation.

The Evil of the Federation of Planets

There’s been a flurry of blog articles recently over how the Federation of Planets is really an inept, but evil, band of quasi-military (but horribly undisciplined) goons, protecting an autocratic…

There’s been a flurry of blog articles recently over how the Federation of Planets is really an inept, but evil, band of quasi-military (but horribly undisciplined) goons, protecting an autocratic quasi-communistic homoginized state.

For examples, see Perry de Havilland, Natalie Solent, Perry again, and Moira Breen.

Kind of weird stuff, but interesting (not unlike much libertarian commentary). But, then, I’ve never been a huge fan of the Star Trek franchise. Well, not for a few decades, at least.

Weak Links

I watched the Star Trek Weakest Link episode on Monday night, and it was great fun. After the shock of Q — er, John deLancie being voted off first, I…

I watched the Star Trek Weakest Link episode on Monday night, and it was great fun. After the shock of Q — er, John deLancie being voted off first, I generally enjoyed the spectacle. It’s always interesting to see how actors perform in such circumstances — who’s smart, who’s dumb, and who’s in-between.

Wil Wheaton has an interesting blog or two on the whole shindig. It sounds like they cut most of the good stuff out.

UPDATE: Or three.

Lists of Four Things

4 things you would eat on the last day of your life: 1) A bag of Mother’s “Taffy” cookies. 2) A pepperoni pizza. 3) Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin ice cream. 4)…

4 things you would eat on the last day of your life:
1) A bag of Mother’s “Taffy” cookies.
2) A pepperoni pizza.
3) Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin ice cream.
4) Margie’s pepper steak.

4 CDs from your collection that you will never get tired of:
1) John Barry/Moviola
2) Pet Shop Boys/Actually
3) Eurythmics/Greatest Hits
4) Bangles/Greatest Hits

4 movies that you watch over and over:
1) Princess Bride
2) Undercover Blues
3) Judgement at Nuremberg
4) The Shadow

4 vacations you have taken:
1) Britain, with Margie.
2) The Grand Canyon, with my folks
3) My honeymoon, with Margie
4) Santa Fe, with Margie

4 things you’d like to learn:
1) To hit a golf ball straight, consistently.
2) Japanese
3) Philosophy (formally)
4) How to draw faces

4 beverages you drink frequently:
1) Coffee
2) Barq’s root beer
3) Grapefruit juice
4) Coke

4 TV shows that you liked when you were a kid:
1) I Love Lucy
2) Mission Impossible
3) Doctor Who
4) Star Trek

4 places to go in your city:
1) The Zoo
2) The Botanic Gardens
3) Lo-Do
4) Cherry Creek North

4 things to do when you’re bored:
1) Read
2) Watch TV
3) Blog
4) Read some more

4 things that never fail to cheer you up:
1) Margie’s smile
2) Katherine’s smile
3) Praise
4) Knights of the Dinner Table

(Via sillycow)

As long as Shatner doesn’t start to sing, we’re in fine shape

Katherine enjoys dancing to the Star Trek (TOS) theme music….

Katherine enjoys dancing to the Star Trek (TOS) theme music.


Note that, if you missed it last night, the following contains some SPOILERS. ::: The Good ::: Solid casting. Bakula fits the role well, and the other parts, though only…

Note that, if you missed it last night, the following contains some SPOILERS.

::: The Good :::

  • Solid casting. Bakula fits the role well, and the other parts, though only sketchily filled in thus far, look good.
  • Good design work. This looks like a more primative ship (at least on the inside). The technology is more Buck Rogers than Next Generation.
  • Nice sfx. This has some of the better work I’ve seen in a show of this sort. Natch, since it’s the newest of the breed, but, still …
  • Human writing. This is not the plastic of TNG, the melodrama of TOS, or even the tired piecework of Voyager. In some ways, it reminded me of the first few seasons of DS9, with cultural politics playing (realistically) a role as big as technology in how the action progresses.
  • Respect for the past. There were echoes from TOS (the ever-burgeoning Rigel system) and from ST: First Contact. Nothing happened that made me scratch my head and say, “Hey, if they could do that then, why couldn’t Kirk do that later?” (That’s going to be one of the most difficult problems for them to juggle.)
  • Arc-y goodness. Who’s the mysterious figure from the (I assume) future? From what I’ve heard, that whole underlying plot will be a major one. There were hints at the foundations of the Federation. There was stuff occuring — not a lot, but at least some — to make me think that it will be more than a series of hour-long episodes.
  • Minimal technoglibness. Nobody mentioned tetrions. Not once. We are truly blessed.
  • Nice montage of images during the main titles. Very evocative of the sense of adventure and advancements they’re trying to build here.

::: The Bad :::

  • Sketchy history. When last we left Earth and Z. Cochrane, human civilization was on the ropes. Now we’ve conquered war, hunger, and, oh yeah, cleaned up San Francisco, all in a relatively short time (and all while funding a major space program). Sure, the Vulcans might have helped. Sure, having a common goal of space might have helped. It still seems convenient. I hope we learn more.
  • Foolish inconsistencies. The Klingon homeworld is only 80 hours, at Warp 4.5, from Earth? It’s a Small Universe After All.
  • Convenient personality shifts. I didn’t buy the way the Vulcan science officer changed her mind about the mission. It was sloppy writing.
  • A dumb ending. Earth’s first (and only) real starship. A major mission. A visit to distant worlds. A big battle. “Oh, never mind — go ahead and do some more exploring while you’re out there. It’s not like you could just pop back here for repairs and debriefing in — oh, 80 hours.”

::: The Worrisome :::

  • The Vulcans know more than the Humans. How long will the “We know but we won’t tell you” schtick play before it becomes a real pain? Conversely, how long will the “Okay, we’ll tell you, but only because it will resolve this plot obstacle” (reconfiguring the sensors to track the plasma phase shift hoohah) schtick play before it becomes the equivalent of Geordi figuring out a new way to reallign the tetrion fields?
  • I’m not sure how much sniggering we can stand about alien sex.
  • Why the rush to introduce phasers? It would have been nice either to continue using the (apparently effective) plasma guns, or (if we want a way to “stun” folks) have phaser technology already present.
  • How many years will it be before the main title music sounds really dated? The quasi-classical bits from the most recent three series will hold up for quite some time, and the TOS theme, while heavy on the 60s tones, is iconic. In ten years, this will simply sound like a 90s guitar ballad.

Overall, I give it a B+. Definitely watchable so far, with potential for fun. I don’t know that I’ll rearrange my social calendar, or pop a tape in if I have to be out of the house on Wednesday evenings, but it should be at least a quasi-regular on the Consortium TV Schedule.

(On a side note, I am more than a little concerned that the only thing that UPN could figure out to advertise from its schedule during Enterprise was (surprise) Buffy. The same two or three commercials, repeated near-endlessly — and not very good commercials, at that. True, they were somewhat less annoying than the also-oft-repeated Sprint PCS commercials, but, really, folks — do you have that few advertisers, and that few shows worth pluggling?)

The Reason

“Next on SciFi: At 6, Star Trek. At 7, Babylon 5. At 8, Farscape. This is SciFi.” There’s a reason I have digital cable, folks. It doesn’t get much better…

“Next on SciFi: At 6, Star Trek. At 7, Babylon 5. At 8, Farscape. This is SciFi.”

There’s a reason I have digital cable, folks. It doesn’t get much better than that.