Fun thread on the boards about battle cries and “color” tell-binds. My favorite:
Whenever I make a bot, my battlecry is always “Error 404: Battlecry not found.”
I actually haven’t use Battlecries for some time (I remap that F-key to the “Typing …” bind, which I also regularly forget to use), as saying the same thing over and over again is (except in the above case) boring.
I do, though, love to create cascading tell-binds (pressing “T” says something witty and then loads another keybind file that resets “T” to say something else witty next time). I started that with some of my “team” toons — Ho Ho, Fazenda — but have it now on most of my regular toons (except, ironically, Psi-clone). The most right is Mr. Ravenous, with 29 different ones; I try to limit myself to doing it no more than once a mish (usually against the big boss), so that the humor stays fresh.
My only regret is that it’s so annoying to manually generate the files for them.
My personal favorite is one of Ho Ho’s lines:
“I call this the Venus Butterfly Axe!”
Cracks me up, every time.
(Pssst. You used the 3M link in both entries. *cough*)
(Mutter mutter mutter …)
Ironically, today’s “Top 5 List” was: