The Big Four-Oh

Dinged Hildegard, then Torchielle, to 40.

It’s only an enhancement level, of course (and not very exciting enhancements at this point — around 40, you start running out of things to drop enhancements into, as most of the exciting powers are already taken and fully 3- or 6-slotted, and the EPPs don’t start until 41).

Biut, still … as Doyce put it in passing. “That’s just wrong — Torchielle should still be running around Steel Canyon.” Yeah, it feels that way sometimes. 🙂

On a related note, I was … irked to discover that I was out of respecs on her. I used the I7 freespec already (to drop Super-Jump for Fly), so I’m stuck with Rain of Fire instead of Grant Invis. until another freespec comes along, or until we do an actual Respec mission (which might be a bit rough to do).

And, yes, it was fun to announce it on the Alliance OOC and have people cheer. No man is an island.

Anyway … forty! W007! Time to start hitting on Malta!

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