Top Issues

Per Positron

* “Looping Sound Crash” – We think we MAY have this finally fixed.

* “Invisible Players/Enemies on Map” – Again, we think we may have this fixed.

* Choice table for Lord Recluse’s Strike Force. – Upon completion of the mission, you will get a choice table, instead of the Enhancements simply being put into your tray (and if your tray is full, put into oblivion). You will NOT be able to pick the specific Synthetic Hami-O, but you will be able to choose a +3 level SO instead of the random SHOE if you want.

Yes this means that the Freedom Phalanx will drop SO’s again.

I don’t know when these will be hitting Training Room, but these will probably be the last big fixes in I7… onward to Issue 8!!!

The Devs have been pretty quiet of late … hunkering down for the push to I8. Looking forward to it.

And all that said — I’d be frelling happy if the damn trains got debugged! How long has that been going on now?

2 thoughts on “Top Issues”

  1. Having had to deal with the Invis Enemy on a map (The person I was supposed to kidnap no less), I am very happy with this one. Thankfully it was a “Defeat mob guarding Person to Kidnap” one, otherwise there is no way I would have been able to get them to the door.
    Granted….it DID take awhile to find the right mob.
    Sound loop has been going on since, what, I4? It hasn’t crashed me much since that first month or two.
    Yes, the Trians….fix the trains.
    Happy TP Beacon News:
    The Kings Row TP Beacon is right next to the KR Train Station. So it is very handy for all your Yellow line needs. 🙂

  2. That’s very cool. Though it’s not like Pocket D isn’t convenient.
    The fact is, between our wide-flung TP network, and Pocket D, and, I suppose, the trains/tunnels, the longest leg of any trip is only liable to be getting to the far end of IP …

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