Some Champions Online notes

From Massively‘s press betas:

Combat: Interesting use of low-level powers to build endurance that high-level powers then eat. Also interesting video-game-like use of holding down a key to build up a power. And blocks against certain types of attacks? Sounds complicated, but fun.

Character Creation: Time-consuming, but in an interesting way (if you’re one of those people who loves character creation). Stats-based, very RPG-like (well, duh). Power set archetypes, but also much more custom combos. Good variety of power sets — and, yes, power armor is finally a set all to itself. The character edit options sound even (if that’s possible) more flexible than CoX, and the ones you choose influence how your character stands and moves. And … facial expressions. And, it sounds like, a ton of costume options.

Sorcery powers video. Swinging travel video.

CO Dev Blog: One thing CO seems to have going for it is a background from the RPG over the last two decades. That will help a lot.

The First Five Levels: A lengthy intro tutorial which ends with a massive power-up to level 5ย and your travel power (broad array, with colored effects, and options to start slow and build up or start off with a bang). Leveling can be added powers, or expansions / strengthening of existing ones (beyond basic power boosts from leveling). Map markers so you always know where you are going.

Choosing your Nemesis: This isย a cool idea that never made it into CoX, but that Emmert has made part of CO. Spiffy.

Duplicate names: A way to avoid folks having to come up with “Captain Terrific,” “Capt. Terrific,” “Cap. Terrific,” “CaptainTerrific, ” “Captain.Terrific,” “Captain Teriffic,” etc. is worth its weight in gold.

I am considering it highly likely that I will try this out when it comes out.

8 thoughts on “Some Champions Online notes”

  1. I have a good friend who recently went to work for Cryptic on this game. He’s awriter, andwe actually met in college through playing Champions, so this is a very cool ‘circle of life’ kind of event.
    I’d prefer a slightly less cartoony look for the characters, but I’ll certainly give it a whirl. I hope I don’t have to upgrade my system . . . .

  2. Interesting stuff, but man have become spoiled by the Graphics in AoC. Combat wise it sounds like they are trying to bring some of AoE’s combat to CO, which is a good thing.

  3. I have an beta evaluation account but haven’t tried this out yet, mainly as I’m never online when the beta is open (curses UK/PST time difference)
    One of my mates has been on the CoH/CO and DCU betas. He seems to feel rather underwhelmed by CO, but quite like DCU.

  4. I don’t mind the cartoony looks, honestly (hey, I read comics, and several of my favorite artists utilize that look).
    Greppo, what specifically does your mate not find so spiffy about CO? Or, alternately, what is it about DCUO that he likes?

  5. I tried this out at PAX. The gameplay seemed rather simplistic, perhaps because it was designed to work as well on a console as on a PC. I grew tired of it rather quickly. However, we had only one small area with cowboy robots to fight, and very limited powers play with. It’s entirely possible that the full game is rich enough to be entertaining.
    I might give it a try if LotRO: MoM weren’t still offering me so much content.

  6. It’s looking promising.
    But no villains. ๐Ÿ™
    And no Mac client. ๐Ÿ™
    (As far as I can tell.)

  7. Well, CoH started with just H, no V, so Villains could come. (I never really got into the Villain thing myself, just the additional content.)
    And CoH only got a Mac client, what, three months ago?

  8. Besides, It’s Champions Online, not Villains & Vigilantes Online. (Oh yeah, old school P&P Supers RPG knowledge FTW!)
    Wow, I’m old AND a big geek. Sheesh!

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