Heroic Tweets for 2011-05-02

  • Brian Michael Bendis to Write Marvel's Free-to-Play MMO – sounds more MMO than RPG … but intriguing nonetheless. Link #

3 thoughts on “Heroic Tweets for 2011-05-02”

  1. When I first saw that story, I immediately asked myself, “But… who is Bendis going to be able to kill off?”

  2. And who’s going to want to play a game that’s just long cut-scenes of dialog? 🙂

    No, I think this should be interesting.

  3. Ah, yes. Those quest/mission dialogue panels will scroll off the screen! 😀

    Well, it’s FTP, which means there will be no reason not to try it when it comes out. I expect I will play for a few weeks and then go back to my primary MMO.

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