So what am I playing these days?

Well, not a lot, but a few things I dabble in, more or less:

  • Ingress:  Assuming that counts. I’m over half-way through L7 to the (current) L8 cap. It’s nice, fun, casual gameplay as I commute on the LTR to/from work, deal with some portals in range from my office desk, farm a portal up the street from my house, and try not to obsess.
  • LotRO:  Not much. Margie and I occasionally get on and duo together, and I even ponied up (so to speak) and bought a horse, but I’m still not feeling the burn. Maybe part of it is because Margie knows so very well what she’s doing, and I’m a relative noob, but part of it remains the non-heroic drudgery and occasional glass cannon nature of LotRO gameplay.  Though it remains beautiful and imaginative beyond belief, and I do enjoy playing with Margie per se.
  • WoW:  Rarely, but occasionally.  See “LotRO,” but with brighter colors and shallower story.
  • Torchlight II:  This has been where most of my gameplay has gone of late.  It’s all solo play, and non-cloud, but I’ve been enjoying running multiple alts through different bands of the game. In theory, Margie and I could set up LAN play to do this together …

I did some very limited beta work with Marvel Heroes, and found it modestly enjoyable (same Diablo style as Torchlight II, but with an immersion-breaking plethora of the same heroes running around). Anticipate trying it out more when it goes live, but not enthused enough to spend any money on it as of yet.

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