Four Years! DING!

Yes, unbelievably, I’ve been playing CoX for that long And though my game time has certainly dropped down a lot after the first couple, I’m still out there fighting (or occasionally committing) crime, and loving it.

I’d like to thank Doyce for dragging me into it in the first place, and Margie for making it something more than just individual fun. And, of course, the folks at NCSoft for making a kickass game (warts and all).

5 thoughts on “Four Years! DING!”

  1. Gratz! Less than a month ’til my 48 month badge.
    I’m so sad that I took a few months off in there and don’t have all my time credit! =)
    Don’t forget to get your buff pets!

  2. Well, it’s largely my own choice and prioritization. It’s more akin to regretting that I’m not eating as much pecan pie because apples are so much more plentiful and I really need to do something about the extra ice cream we bought that’s filling up the freezer and, besides, I’m already full from all that bacon I’ve been chowing down on.
    Actually, there’s a blog post there …

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