After a long dry spell while the folks were out visiting for the Labor Day weekend, got back into the CoH thang with a bang.
Got home early enough that I had a chance to play a bit with Big Lungs while watching over Katherine. Fun with sonics, and had a passerby express admiration for the name. Meanwhile, Margie reset Star Protector to be Sonic/Rad Defender. Eventually, the two of them are intended to run around together.
After dinner, once Margie was on, we brought on Psi-clone and Amorpha. Started off with some impromptu RP with Healing Rayne, followed by …
… well, followed by discovering that I really needed to download the newest version of HeroStats to work with I5 properly. Which was annoying to discover but painless to remedy.
Woo-hoo! Took a trek all the way across Crey’s Folly to do it, but Psi-clone got the Lollypop.
Which is very cool, but has its problems. First off, annoyingly, it doesn’t seem to be affected by Containment — which means my Spectral Wounds does nearly as much damage (up front) as the Nemesis Staff, which is just kind of wrong.
Second off — well, PC is just not a blaster. He’s not all about the smiting. Thus, giving him a Big Gun just means that he’s going to shoot it at someone who will then shoot back at him.
Still, it’s very cool, and I’ll be making maximal use of it over the next few days.
Demonstrations of the second point came up a bit thereafter. We were heading to a mish in IP, when someone sent out a broadcast about a Giant Octopus …
Amorpha and I tracked it down in the SW corner of the bay. I, of course, wanted to lay into the critter. Margie, being the planner that she is, started trying to gather together a team, etc., etc., all the right strategies. So I fidgeted. And waited. Sure it was going to flee. Positive another team was going to get to it first.
And then we were ready! And I charge in! And zapped it with the staff! And …
Bam. Thwack. Zorch.
Dead in the water. Literally.
(Grumbles.) I flew back as fast as I could (which, given the speed of Fly is maddeningly slow). I did, though, get back after just one tentacle had been taken down.
After that, it was a lot of fun. Zoom in. Zap with the staff. Zoom waaaaay back out. Heal. Heal. Heal some more. WTF, there are no other healers on our team of 8? Evidently not. Zap. Heal.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
By the end of the battle, I hadn’t quite cleared off my debt (dagnabbit) — and Amorpha had died once, too — but I’d gotten …
Three badges.
Devilfish, for being on the team that did the most damage to Luska the Giant Octopus.
Unyielding, for clearing 500K in debt.
Medic, for healing 250K of damage.
Lots of irony in that particular combo of badges.
A Giant Octopus. Too much frelling fun.
Did a bit more together after that, and ended up about a half-hour short of dinging 35. But that should come tonight …