Clothes horses

Both P-siren and Velvet got costume changes last night. No pics thereof, for some reason, though.
Velvet went for a “classy” costume (as defined, of course, by her). I actually think it looks pretty good, a combo of stylish and some little accents that tie into her “regular” costume. I replaced the slot I’d redone for her swim suit pics, since I wasn’t ever able to get together with the swim suit issue photographer.
Yeah, I could have used that money for an SO or two. Oh, well.
P-siren went for something more casual for her second outfit.
General fun running around mish-cleaning with Avocet and Phed-X last night. Stayed up too late.

Velvet Respec Redux

I never did do the Velvet respect I was talking about a month ago. Just never got to it.
But running around with her last night with Avocet and P-siren (and sucking wind on End and not doing a lot of actual damage) made me reconsider — especially with the Hess TF coming up this weekend (and having seen how Hyperthermian went through that).
Part of the problem I have is the conflict between being a damage-dealer and being a damage-taker. As a tank, my priority should be the latter, locking down the mobs and letting other folks pick them off.
What gets in the way of that a bit, mentally, is that when duo with P-siren, the numbers change. Her bubbles reduce my vulnerability dramatically (I usually don’t have to run with TI up, just Unyielding, esp when I’m in the Big Bubble), which makes my relative lack of damage dealing more irksome. It was very refreshing running with Avo last night, as mobs got cleared much more than 50% faster than just the two of us.
Okay, given that Velvet is now 24, and will be at 25 with another night of play, here’s what I’m looking at (from CoH Planner):
01 : Jab acc(01) dam(3) dam(17)
01 : Resist Physical Damage damres(01) damres(5) damres(7) damres(11)
02 : Punch acc(02) dam(3) dam(17) dam(19)
04 : Dull Pain recred(04) recred(5) recred(7) recred(19) recred(15) recred(15)
06 : Combat Jumping endred(06)
08 : Unyielding damres(08) damres(9) damres(9) damres(11) damres(13) damres(13)
10 : Taunt tntdur(10)
12 : Swift runspd(12)
14 : Super Jump jmp(14)
16 : Health hel(16)
18 : Invincibility defbuf(18) defbuf(27) thtbuf(27)
20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(21) endrec(21) endrec(23) endrec(23) endrec(25)
22 : Temp Invulnerability endred(22) endred(25)
24 : Boxing acc(24)
26 : Tough damres(26)
28 : Weave defbuf(28)
I actually just changed that from the respec I’d suggested previously, not maxxing out RPD in favor of slots (recharge) to Dull Pain (on 2 minutes, off 90 seconds); eliminating Haymaker (sigh) in order to more quickly get through the Fighting pool (and its defense boosters), and adding a couple more slots to Invincibility. I also take Health rather than Hurdle, at BD’s suggestion.
Still sucks wind, Endurance-wise, though, and still is weaker to Elements/Energy. And the combat damage is no better (a bit worse, in fact). On the other hand, it still gets me Invicibility, it gets me to 98% damage resistance on lethal/smash (hitting the 90% cap) by the time its up to this level.
(All the above numbers are with even-level DOs; I can selectively SO some of them, too, but I haven’t fine-tuned things quite to that level.)
That 98% may be overkill with Invincibility (at least for big mobs). If I go back to Haymaker, that sets me up for either taking the fighting things thereafter, or else going with Tough Hide and Rage.
The key to this build seems to be going for the Invincibility, but it would be nice to beef up the damage a bit, assuming that I’m going to be bubbled (I hope).
Continuing to ponder (and read).

Hess TF (Avocet)

Consider this an open planning spot for the Hess (Burkholder’s Bane) TF that Avocet is coordinating this Sunday.
On board are:
– Velvet Jones, Inv/SS Tank (25 – or will be by then)
– P-siren, FF/Psi Def (25)
Velvet’s more than willing to do the tanky stuff, but at 25 she’s going to be entry level for the TF, unless SKed up.

Mr. and Mrs. Azure Go to Paragon

Margie and I have finally gotten around to doing a husband-and-wife team — Mr. and Mrs. Azure. He’s an MA/Reg Scrapper, she’s a Mind/FF Controller, and together THEY FIGHT CRIME.
Actually, they have a rather fun backstory, but for the moment they just appear to be super-spy agent types who engage in the sort of romantic byplay and rhetorical quipping of Nick and Nora Charles and similar husband-and-wife teams. (I actually have another pair in mind, but I don’t want to belabor the matter too much.)
(While I’m sure someone will draw a parallel to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it’s completely coincidental. The Thunderclaps were an earlier version of this duo/concept.)
We spent a fair amount of time over the weekend running this pair, getting them up to 8. Lots of deaths — hey, I’m playing a scrapper — but so far I’m pretty pleased by how its going.
Actually, in some ways, this pair is the opposite of Psi-clone and Amorpha, power-wise at least. Mind and Illusion Controllers are pretty similar, power-wise (though having the bubbles vs empathy does make a diff), and DM and MA Scrappers have a lot of close parallels as well. A very different dynamic, personality-wise, but from gameplay I can understand what Margie’s doing, and she can follow my own issues and problems, and we both have ended up advising each other on character builds.
Next thing up for them will be getting them into the Alliance (since I think their chatter will be the most fun with them). I’d been planning on bringing them into the Consortium, just for sake of ease, but Margie was mentioning going in as Allies. Either would work; we’ll see.
And, hrm, yeah, we need to get some pics posted … (we did get some nice tells about their matching uniforms while we were running about yesterday).
More info on our weekend gameplay here
UPDATE: Hess and Citadel TF story written up here.

That’ll maybe get it out of my system for a day …

Ten hours — with breaks — of task forces against the Council: Hess TF and Citadel (Bastion) TF. Started at about 1 p.m., finished the the second up around 11 p.m. or so. Took a dinner break, Kitten break, etc., inside, but pretty much took up our Saturday.
On the other hand, dinged Psi-clone and Amorpha two levels. On Hess, we were joined by Hyperion, Synoptic, Shock.Therapy, and Leroy Jones. On Bastion, we were again led by Hype and Syn, along with Kinetica (exemped down, dropped midway through), Puck Bunny, and Shock.Therapy (who also dropped midway through).
Biggest goof: during the climactic battle in Hess, not firing up a couple of the cool temp powers (Wedding Ring, Cryo Armor, Wolf Whistles, Electromagnetic Grenades) while we were being cut to shreds. Died three times in that final scene, including staggering out the emergency hatch, dead.
The two TFs are similar enough (and Hess is probably the better one) that it was a shame to run them back to back that way — sort of ended up feeling “Oh, no, not another Council mission/map/mob again” — but it was good people, good fun, and, as noted, good experience.
Might give our alts a bit more time at bat this coming week, though.

Undercover coolness

The 5th Column News Reel goes the extra mile to discover what’s upcoming in CoH. This can include hacking into the PIGG files, or posting screen caps from E3 …
… such as this one, which shows a bunch of the archery powers:

Defender Primary: Trick Arrow
Entangling Arrow
Ice Arrow
Glue Arrow
Flash Arrow
Poison Gas Arrow
Acid Arrow
Disruption Arrow
Oil Slick arrow
EMP Arrow

Defender Secondary: Archery
Snap Shot
Aimed Shot
Fistful of Arrows
Blazing Arrow
Explosive Arrow
Ranged Shot
Stunning Shot
Rain of Arrows
Fun stuff to dig through.

My new Problem Child

lynn_calodo.jpgOkay, her origin story is so lame that even I can’t take the time to dress it up with a straight face. Something about a California vintner father, an experimental (Crey? Why not?) fermentation system that she became trapped in, strange alteration of body chemistry that gave her both powers (Science origin, don’tcha know) and required an external droid assistant to monitor and stabilize said chemistry (and to whisper sweet nihilistic nothings in this little goth’s ear). Now she’s a hero with a ‘tude off in big Paragon City, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.
(Wanted an origin that was something other than Magic. So I took Science — could’ve done Technology — and of course immediately ended up fighting Vahzilok all the time, dammit.)
That, and all sorts of wine-related puns apply. She’s robust. She’ll knock you on your ass. She’s young and harsh, but might mellow with age. Etc.
Her intent is — aside from scrapperly fun — to have someone I can run off and solo with in any spare non-Margie-around-to-duo-with time (and then not worry that I’m getting out of level balance with her or something). Though Margie notes that scrapper-scrapper duos are also fun …
Dunno if I’ll put her in the Consortium. She is definitely not the sort that would want a team name floating over her head, let alone something pompous-sounding like “Consortium of Justice.” Miss the channel chat, though. Maybe I’ll eventually get her into the Allies.
Assuming my interest in her, vs. all my other alts, is maintained …

Making progress

After staying up way too late last night, we managed to ding Psi-clone to 26. He also picked up the “Slayer” badge for all the Vampyri he’s done in. Woo-hoo.
Also, in afternoon play, dinged Sister Chinook to 11 and Lynn Calodo to 5.

Unsolicited advice for N00b team leaders

I’ll assume you were new at this …

  1. Communication is your friend.
  2. Tell people before you invite them in.
  3. After people join your team, greet them.
  4. Set a mission. Talk about what we’re doing. Don’t just run there.
  5. See #1. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
  6. Keep the team together. Stay with the team.
  7. Lead from the front. No reason why you should be the last person up the elevator (by a minute), or out of the mish (as same).
  8. Remember #1? Yeah, try that one again.
  9. If half the team quits after the first mish, that might be a sign that something’s wrong. Or maybe it’s a coincidence. But …
  10. If you run across someone who quit your team, issuing another blind invite and doing a local tell, “Follow me,” is probably not going to do the trick.
  11. RETURN TO 1

This has been a public service announcement …


Katherine made up another character on Guardian (Get it? We’re her guardians, so we play with her on Guardian? It was Margie’s clever idea), Storm Ice Girl, which is not very catchy, but pretty much describes what kind of Controller she is (Ice primary, Storm secondary). She loves to blow people away with the gust of wind …
She’s not adept at the mouse yet, which I man, but she handles the nav keys and the fire keys for the powers. Oh, and she bounces a lot.
And as long as she only wants to wear that Metal Witchblade Bikini in-game, I have no problem with it.
Meanwhile, I have, as Margie gleefully puts it, caught scrapperitis, characterized by the need to build and run scrappers. To that end, I’ve sadly dropped Suzy Atom (who was really an energy tanker I was trying to run as a scrapper), and built the goth “problem child” Lynn Calodo, a Dark/Invuln scrapper with a bad attitude.
Doyce, at least, will get the joke.
Pictures to follow.
LC is intended (for a while at least) to be an afternoon “solo” character, on those occasions between my getting home/off work with Kitten and Margie getting home. I don’t really have many other good solo characters — I think Scrappers lend themselves best to that, and OFFICER is still having power problems.
And, hell, I’ve fallen in love with the Dark Scrapper powers (but intentionally avoided the Dark/Regen and Dark/Dark pairings that Margie has already “staked out”). Kittenyboo is a Dark/SR, but I don’t play her that much, for obvious reasons.
We’ll see how she does.
UPDATE: Oh, so true …


One of the biggest challenges of the multi-alt world I play in is keeping up different character voices, particularly in the comm channel chatter. (It’s important on teams, too, but since Margie and I duo so much — subject for another thread — it’s a bit less so. I’m afraid we don’t get into that much roleplay with each other …)
Anyway, what I’ve noticed:

  1. Quiet, reticent, and/or brooding characters are a lot of fun to write about (and tend, amazingly enough, to be what I write), but are a lot more difficult to play. This is true in F2F RPGs, of course, but it’s even more true when most RP comes about through conversation on the comm channels. If you don’t speak, you aren’t visible; that’s probably a rule for life, too. You need to find something to talk about. Which leads us to …
  2. Humor is always good for a quick tell. Which is difficult if you’re playing a quiet, reticent, and/or brooding character, as noted above. So …
  3. Come up with a character voice: something to talk about, visual distinctions of voice, and a sense of humor.

So, for my characters …

  • Velvet: Jokes about most stuff, distinctive accent (or spelling, at least). Always chatty, and generally friendly, if a bit touchy at times. The easiest character I have to RP on the comms.
  • Psi-clone: Speaks much more formally. Dry wit, and a love of wordplay. Always willing to blather at length. Second-easiest for me to play, assisted by the fact that he’s an exagerration (I hope) of myself, so I just have to ask what I would say if I were a hero.
  • Torchielle: Friendly, but I don’t have her “voice” yet. Makes references to her family a lot. A fair amount of tentative stammering (“um”) to make her comms distinct. Not sure about her sense of humor, which is a problem. Need to play her more.
  • Honeygun: Strong, sarcastic sense of humor. Pretty easy to play, though she seems to have been off the comms for a while …
  • Truly Unstable: Fun and easy to play — just (a) act Daffy Duck crazy, and (b) mix contemporary slang with Rennfaire-like pronouncements. Toss in the occasional dark-and-angsty lament just for spice and to throw people off. Need to do more with him …
  • OFFICER: Haven’t gotten on the comms yet with him. No sense of humor, but may start developing on. Problem is, there’s any number of “I am not human, but, like Data, am trying to learn how to behave like one” folks out there on the com lines, which makes him a lot less distinct of a character. Visually, though, since half his words are in all-CAPS, it may work. We’ll see. I’m not 100% happy with the power set at the moment, so he may be dropped some time soon.
  • Sister Chinook: My problems with her last night provoked this post. I don’t have a good voice for her yet. She’s cynical and a bit sarcastic, but also one of those “quiet” characters. Since she’s Canadian, I need to remember to throw in an “eh?” here and there, for visual distinction. Or, if I can, spell some of my “-or” words as “-our”. Stuff like that.
  • Suzy Atom: She was easy (announcement coming). Wide-eyed, enthusiastic naif, a combo Silver Age Supergirl (cough) with season 1 Mary Richards. Openly friendly, prone to saying “gee” a lot. Never long on enough to make that much of an impression, I fear (most of my RP with her was actually at the Consortium party).

One problem I have to watch is the non-verbal stuff. While I don’t keep my cross-dressing multi-alt gameplay a secret (see Google), I also don’t broadcast it, even in OOC comms. If people think my alts are run by completely different (and infrequently present) players, I’d be delighted, though it’s not worth to me a huge amount of effort make it so. To that end, though, I have to be careful about always using the same verbal tells between characters — like, “Heh.” Or how I flag OOC material. Or, it occurs to me, always giving an /em wave when I run across people.
(I also try to usually have a gap between when my character says hello/goodbye on the coalition chat and when Margie’s does.)
Actually, how you enter/leave the comms (or great/farewell other characters) is another signature. Velvet tends towards a “Howdy”/”Hey, kids, what’s shakin?” sort. PC tends toward more formality and jovial bonhomie (“Greetings, all. How goes the war?”). Others do more curt addressing folks by names — but, again, curtness is hard to pull off since it usually goes hand in hand with, well, not talking. And when you don’t talk, you’re not visible.
Anyway, enough blather of my own here. Just stray thoughts to put down.

Sisters are doin’ it for themselves

Decided to go with the alts last night, so we dug out Sister Chinook and Toxic Sister and put them through their Level 10 paces.
Must … get … travel … powers … sooooooon …
Actually, it was hard going at first. Deaths. Many (or more than usual, even discounting the recent grey-bop-fest) deaths. Scrapper deaths are not uncommon. Controller deaths, not so much so.
SC seems a lot squishier than PC, even though both are controllers (with Empathy) with single-target focuses. Or maybe TS isn’t quite as shock-and-awe-inspiring as Amorpha (yet). Or maybe it was just the plethora of toxic vomit.
That began to turn-around mid-evening, as SC dinged to 10, and I contemplated my new power. I’d been planning on getting Resurrection (always popular at/in parties), but I did some quick flipping through my file folder on SC and …
… hmmmm … maybe …
Oh. Yeah. Shiver. Very broad cone, decent range, minimal endurance, quick recharge, serious opponent slowing.
Suddenly, folks are running away. Or charging me. Or fleeing TS’s spines. And suddenly the fire rate of the baddies goes way down.
And it stacks. Between the slows of my other ice attacks, and TS’s toxins, those folks were hitting whatever slow cap there was.
Much, much easier time of it. Still died once (squishy, close quarters, too many obstacles blocking my LoS and powers, Shiver in particular), but more than made up for it.
We went from struggling through Kings Row-level sewer mishes to street hunting around Steel Canyon. Felt much better by the end of the evening.

Clean-up work

So, according to Margie’s exhaustive research, you can only have three open defined story arcs going on at a time. Various assignments from various contacts can be one-off sorts of things, or they can (and usually do?) lead to story arcs.
(A story arc is a series of encounters — sort of a like a TF over time — that lead to a final big encounter. Frostfire is the climax of a story arc. Dr. Vahz is the climax of a story arc. Etc.)
Again, it seems you can have only three of these open at a time. If your pool of three is full, contacts simply won’t introduce new story arc assignments, which, obviously, impedes your access to content. You can still usually get contacts, and assignments, but they won’t be the “big” ones (unless you tag along with others).
So what Margie and I have been doing for the past couple of days with our main pairs — Amorpha, Psi-clone, Velvet, P-siren — is clean up all the old, outstanding story arcs we had hanging fire. This was initially provoked by P-siren not being able to get the Stephanie Peebles story arc (wedding ring, I believe). We went to each contact that we had an incomplete bar on their display and pinged them for any ongoing missions. If we still got one (which, if it was just generic, we wouldn’t have gotten at our levels), we took it.
It’s dull, boring, grinding work (for CoH play, that is). I mean, it’s fun — for a while — to one-shot or two-shot baddies, or just waltz past grey clocks and vahz to get to the bosses. But when you get a “defeat all” mish in there, it’s a pain. And there’s no XP or Influence to be had, only, at the end of some arcs, an aging DO.
And, to be honest, after you’ve graduated from bopping Tsoo, beating up on them hour after hour is like sitting through driving school …
Some of it we did solo, others we teamed (just for efficiency on defeat-all, since only Amorpha’s a fast damage-dealer of that group, though it was amusing conjuring up Phantom Army in the middle of a group and have them actually taking folks out in a shot or two).
But … it’s done. So now we can go on to some new stuff. Yay!
(Memo to self: go through this routine with all characters as they get around level 20. And finish arcs as you go ….)

Kickin’ butt and takin’ names

Finally, finally, back into the game yesterday. Did some prelim/placating work with Kitty Shoulder and Kitteniboo, then onto the main action with Amorpha and Psi-clone.
Blasted in parallel through a load of Striga content — including finishing up the Stephanie Peebles arc (Heracles? No prob), finding ourselves having outlevelled Long John, and on to Scary Contact Who Stands In The Middle Of The Cemetary.
Blasted through a couple of those mishes (easy hunts when it’s both of us with the mission), until we hit the Banished Pantheon and the Mausoleum. Amorpha’s version, as she’s managed to pull a level ahead of PC, was a bit spicier, and we ended up both eating mausoleum dirt once in the middle of way too many shamans, husks, and a purple Totem.
But by the time we were done with both our versions of the mish, we’d gotten out of debt, and were both over half-way to the next level.
I’m not sure how we’d do this arc without A’s massive damage, applied selectively around PC’s Group Invis and Deceive (“You are my friend, Mr. Totem, oh, yes, my friend”), but it would be a lot more difficult.
Felt nice.

Making life (or TFs) easier

Coming to the test server soon (if not already), and, one hopes, to the real servers shortly thereafter …

All Task Forces and Trials will now accept any player who has reached at least the minimum level of the Task Force or Trial to play it. Players above the maximum level of the Task Force or Trial will be auto-exemplared to the highest level of the Task Force or Trial. They will remained exemplared until they are no longer a member of the taskforce or trial.
This will make life a lot easier for people who have levelled beyond given TFs and Trials. No worries about exemplaring and/or losing the member you’re exemplared to. I have an odd sense that it might homogenize things a bit (no need to put together mixed parties — all your level 45s can just gang up and auto-exemp down to do Positron) — but I’m not sure that’s not a bad thing, just … different.
Still, I think it nets good.

CoH – The Next Generation

2005-06-12_kspk.jpgIntroducing the one, the only, the dire portent of Things to Come …
Kitty Shoulder!
Designed by Katherine. Named by Katherine. Bubbler/Energy Defender.
She’s the one on the left.
She likes to jump.
Too. Much. Fun.
And where would she be without her boon companion, the black cat scrapper, Kittenyboo? (She was to be Princess Kittenyboo, but that exceeded the name length restrictinons.) Katherine helped design her, too. She’s the one on the right.
Too. Much. More. Fun.
Katherine plays KS on Margie’s lap. Margie does the navagating, Katherine does the blasting. And bouncing.
On Guardian, naturally.
There’s even role-play, as Kittenyboo doesn’t like to go into water — but Katherine protests that even though Kittenyboo is a cat, she doesn’t have to be played like a cat all the time. On the other hand, Shoulder Kitty is half cat (or so we are told), and likes to swim in deep water.
And so it begins …