Angels on Horseback

Alas, we never tasted these.  With the Angels all prepared, resting on the counter to be cooked, the cooks went to take a quick shower before the dinner.  Well . . .  upon entering the kitchen, they discovered the dog amid a pile of toothpicks on the floor, with a large grin on his face.  They did not bring the toast rounds.


  • 12 medium sized raw oysters, shucked and drained
  • ¼ c dry white wine
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • coarse salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  • hot sauce or Tobasco to taste
  • 6 slices lean, thin cut bacon, cut in half
  • 12 toothpicks soaked in water about 10 minutes
  • 12 buttered toast rounds (optional)
  • lemon wedges


  1. Preheat broiler.
  2. Drain oysters.
  3. In a bowl, mix the wine, garlic, salt, pepper and hot sauce together.
  4. Add drained oysters and toss to coat.
  5. Let marinate 20 minutes.
  6. Cut bacon in half and cook in a microwave for approximately 1 minute or pan fry until the edges begin to curl but the bacon is still flexible (do not completely cook bacon).
  7. Drain well.
  8. Remove oysters from marinade.
  9. Wrap each oyster in a bacon strip and secure with a damp toothpick, overlapping the bacon approximately 1 inch.
  10. Place the bacon wrapped oysters on a broiler pan.
  11. Cook the oyster and crisp the bacon approximately 5-6 minutes on the first side.
  12. Turn them over and broil another 2-4 minutes.
  13. You may need to turn them once or twice to get a good crispness on all sides.
  14. Serve with the pick or remove the pick and place on toast round.
  15. Serve with lemon wedges.

Serves: 12 pieces


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