- Sidewalk and front steps shoveled. Virtuous civic duty accomplished. #
- 2 of 5 stars to Foundation by Mercedes Lackey Link #
- Holy moley, our new Blu-Ray player hooks to our router and pulls down all sorts of web stuff? What hath God wrought? #
- One reason I love Margie: Mary's too-valuable-to-moving-van stuff before Link and after Link #
- Father-Daughter Weekette Movie Watch (Monday): " #
- Father-Daughter Weekette Movie Watch (Monday): "Batman/Superman: Apocalpyse" – some nice battles (and nice Barda), but that's about it. #
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What brand/model is your Blu-ray player, and what cool features does it have? I will need one when Star Wars is released in that format this year.
Sony BDP-S570.