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Today is World AIDS Day

As speakeasy observes, the national obsession over anthrax, when AIDS has killed, and will kill, millions, is unfathomable. I have been lucky enough to not have anyone close to me…

As speakeasy observes, the national obsession over anthrax, when AIDS has killed, and will kill, millions, is unfathomable.

I have been lucky enough to not have anyone close to me die of AIDS, so I can’t speak to that personal aspect of it. But I will say this about the subject:

AIDS is largely avoidable. Indeed, aside from folks who have to receive transfusions, it’s almost entirely avoidable.

The most sure way to avoid it is to not have sex. That is followed by avoid sex with anyone who (a) is having sex with others, and/or (b) has had sex with others in the past, and has not yet tested clear. In other words, abstinance. Or, failing that, monogamy (and “trust but verify”).

Short of that, and if you are willing to play Russian Roulette, at least use a condom. Yeah, they’re not the greatest thing since sliced bread in the sensation department, but they’re a hell of a lot better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. And they beat the hell out of getting AIDS. Really. Read about it. Look at the pictures. It’s a bad, bad thing to happen to you. And you can avoid it.

But condoms are still a risk. They don’t always work. If folks can get pregnant using condoms (and they do), than HIV can be spread with them (and it can). Operator error. Material failure. It can happen. Just not as easily. Really.

And abstinance is not impossible. Believe me — I know. And even if it is (which it isn’t), there are things you can do to cut your risk dramatically.

So do it. Really. Unwanted pregnancy is a Bad Thing. STDs are Bad Things. And AIDS will kill you, and/or your partners, in a very costly and gruesome fashion.

It only takes one time.

Don’t be stupid.

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