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The Friday Five

Yet another installment of the Friday Five. 1. Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma? I’ve had both tremendous luck and lousy luck with teeth. On the lousy…

Yet another installment of the Friday Five.

1. Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma?

I’ve had both tremendous luck and lousy luck with teeth. On the lousy side, I went through extensive orthodonture from before junior high (I believe) all the way through high school. Retainers. Braces. Headgear. More retainers. Some incredibly painful rubber thing with metal gripping knobs to wear at night that made tears come to my eyes to put it on (“No thanks, dear, I’ve done the S&M thing and only got straight teeth out of it”).

And then I had to have bunches of wisdom teeth removed (not that I seem to lose substantial amounts of wisdom by doing so, not having much to begin with) after college.

(My orthodontist was Dr. John King Wong, who was very nice, very knowledgable, and who had a bad case of dandruff. One of the occupational hazards of being a dentist is having clients who have nothing better to do than to stare at you for prolonged periods of time.)

On the tremendous side, though my teeth were a higgledy-piggledy mess in their placement, they were and are extremely healthy in and of themselves. I had two cavities around 7 or 8 years old, and that’s all I’ve ever had. I try to brush twice a day, but I seem to be one of those folks with good enamel, thank God.

2. Ever broken any bones?

Nope. Not a one. Well, maybe a toe, not long ago. But never any broken legs or broken arms or stuff like that. Not a very athletic kid, which helped, I suppose.

3. Ever had stitches?

Heh. Two inguinal hernias, in the 3rd and 4th grade. (The result of which is that, instead of learning to play kickball with the boys, I got to learn folk dancing with the girls. Go figure.) Also a few stitches on my forehead where a sebacious cyst was removed a year back.

4. What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars?

Well, I mentioned the ones above, though the hernia scars disappeared years ago. I still have scar tissue on my right knee (and a “football injury” pain there when it rains) from where I skidded out on my bike when I was probably in the 5th or 6th grade. It was my introduction to hydrogen peroxide, and probably should have netted me some stitches. I have some scars on my knuckles from scrapes where I picked at the scabs (in my younger years). And then, of course, there’s my facial complexion, which consists of not a small amount of scar tissue.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?

Friday night: Margie’s off at D&D tonight, and I’ve been working on my blog stylesheet and watching Dragnet videos.

Saturday & Sunday: Nothing planned. Off to buy a bed for Katherine, some headphones for my cell phone, some Gorilla Racks for the basement, and some mulch for the side yard. We’ll probably end up being more socialbe than that sounds. Tomorrow morning is My Saturday Morning with Kitten, so I’ll be up early (and, likely, blogging).

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