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On a Monday Mission from God

It’s the Monday Mission … (Doyce questions his feelings about these sorts of Q&A posts. I say … coolness. I like structure. Structure is my friend. As long as I…

It’s the Monday Mission

(Doyce questions his feelings about these sorts of Q&A posts. I say … coolness. I like structure. Structure is my friend. As long as I can get two cents in about the structure, I am happy being a salaryman sort of dude. But that’s just me.)

1. When was the last time your computer crashed? What happened?

At least twice since late February. Check the archives. Mutter mutter mutter …

2. Recommend a movie (new or old) for us to watch.

Undercover Blues, a spy comedy starring Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner. Light, fun, and full of quotable lines.

3. When was the last time someone told you that you were attractive (and you actually believed them)?

My wife makes noises about that frequently. On that subject I abstain, courteously.

4. Do you like to sleep in or wake up with the chickens?

I am so much into sleeping in. Unless it means I don’t get home until late. Which is why I wake up early enough to get into the office by six-frelling-o’clock in the a.m. — and sleep on weekends (when left to my own devices) until 10 or 11 a.m.

5. Are you gay, straight or bi? Ever been tempted to go the other way?

I am quite straight, and have never had any serious temptation to swing in any other direction (nor reason to). But I don’t equate that particular aesthetic into a moral direction for the rest of the populace.

6. What will be the next computer-related purchase you will make?

Ooooh. Most likely something on the order of a game. Unless it’s a replacement printer, which would only happen if someone bought the quasi-lemon we recently purchased.

7. What is your role when you are in relationships? A giver, a taker, or is it an equal balance?

Hopefully a balance. I suspect I am something of a taker, net, but that might just be my guilty conscience. Margie would have to answer that one.

BONUS: Would I lie to you?

Now would I say something that wasn’t true? I’m asking you, sugar, would I lie to you?

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3 thoughts on “On a Monday Mission from God”

  1. Ah, someone else who likes Undercover Blues. Lou and I have that on video.


    And sneaky-sneaky! Slyly recommending 1776 in your next reply. Of course, only those who’ve seen the play or the movie would get it, even remot-Lee.

    Hmm…I may need to undertake the Monday Mission myself…

  2. Heh. Though I would wait until later this year when 1776 is re-released on DVD (no more godawful pan-n-scan). Already on my Amazon pre-order, and it will be a definite Recommend Highly on my blog.

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