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Thus it’s the right date (miraculously) for this week’s This-or-That Tuesday: the Media Edition….

Thus it’s the right date (miraculously) for this week’s This-or-That Tuesday: the Media Edition.

1. TV or radio? I like purty pictures.

2. On the radio: talk or music station? I like news. Is that so much to ask? I’d give my right arm for a KNX or KFWB feed here in Denver, even if it was full of local traffic and weather. I listen to the local NPR station, and that’s fine and infomative, except during pledge drive season — and I still don’t get decent local news.

3. Actual books or books-on-tape (or e-books)? I like actual books that I can stuff in a pocket, or leave sitting on the car seat, or enjoy without earphones.

Hmmm. Maybe I need to look at getting some BoT to listen to during pledge drive.

4. Actual newspaper, or web version? I enjoy the convenience of reading and flipping through an actual newspaper — except for most of the time, when I don’t have time to do it.

5. Wall Street Journal or National Enquirer? The Enquirer’s more entertaining, but the WSJ is more informative.

6. TV news…news channel such as CNN, or your local broadcast news? Local broadcast news is an abomination of laquered hair and capped teeth. Even moreso than cable news.

7. A movie you’ve been looking forward to seeing gets bad reviews all around. See it anyway, or pass? Depends on who’s giving it the reviews. My taste are odd and geeky enough that mainstream condemnation isn’t that meaningful. If my buds all give it thumbs up, I’ll try to find a way to get to it. Though our movie-going has suffered from parenthood …

8. See movies when they first come out, or wait a few weeks for the lines at the theater to get shorter? I like seeing them when they first come out (makes for easier conversation).

9. TV: cable, satellite dish, or just plain old antenna? Cable (digital cable, in fact).

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: If you had to choose only one form of media to come into your home, which would you choose…print (newspapers, magazines) or electronic (TV, internet)? Why? Hmmm, well, as long as “print” doesn’t include books, then definitely electronic. I get much more entertainment from them (and, the way my schedule goes, information, too).

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