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Separate and equal?

As a legal principle, separate-but-equal died in the 50s and 60s. That’s because, particularly in the case of racial segregation, it was recognized that separate is, in fact, rarely equal….

As a legal principle, separate-but-equal died in the 50s and 60s. That’s because, particularly in the case of racial segregation, it was recognized that separate is, in fact, rarely equal. Whether racial desegregation of schools and the like accomplished everything that was desired, it was what needed doing.

Sexual segregation is a more problematic kettle of fish. The days are not so long gone when separation of genders, academically, was a cover for routing kids into gender-appropriate skills and careers — happy home-makers for women; athletes and scientists and businessmen for the guys. The gender desegregation of our classes, the Womens Lib movement, and the decline of single-sex institutions of higher learning have, in general, been seen as good things.

But there’s a lot of evidence out there that differences in maturation and in learning modalities between boys and girls makes gender-segregated classrooms a good idea, at least in terms of helping kids learn their academics. While there’s a strain of thought that wants to treat each gender as identical, that is, on the face of it, just plain erroneous — there are clear physical and biochemical differences between the genders (and vive le difference!), and to think that these play no cognitive role is politically correct but scientifically dubious.

Of course, the great danger is that the recognition of differences becomes overplayed — that we return to the days of believing that all women are best suited to keep house, or that all men are better as athletes and politicians and whatever. Recognizing differences doesn’t mean that the conclusions of such differences can be so sweepingly generalized, let alone understood.

All of which is a long introduction to an article on how public schools are finding that academic gender segregation is an interesting idea whose time may have come.

“Usually it’s the guys that distract all the whole class. They’re usually the class clowns,” said Kristielle, who entered the seventh grade last week. “With no guys in the school, I can know we will really get busy without much distraction.”
At least 11 single-sex public schools will open this fall in six states ? Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, South Carolina and Oregon. Advocates say separating the sexes can improve learning by easing the peer pressure that can lead to misbehavior as well as low self-esteem among girls.
[…] The number of U.S. public schools offering single-sex classes jumped from four to 140 in the past eight years, Sax said. At 36 of those schools, at least one grade will have only single-sex classes this year. Advocates said they expect the number to increase now that the U.S. Education Department has announced plans to change its enforcement of the landmark discrimination law Title IX, which bars sex discrimination in schools.

Of course, it’s possible to overstate such things.

“John Kerry, George W. Bush, his father and Al Gore all went to all-boys schools. We don’t think that’s a coincidence,” said Dr. Leonard Sax, a Maryland physician and psychologist who founded a nonprofit group that advocates single-sex public education. “We think single-sex education really empowers girls and boys from very diverse backgrounds to achieve.”

Depending on who you talk to, I’m not sure everyone would agree with all of the above folk as exemplars of the value of single-sex schools.

Some women’s groups and the American Civil Liberties Union say segregation of any kind is wrong. “We think segregation has historically always resulted in second-class citizens,” said Terry O’Neill, a National Organization for Women vice president.

And that’s a valid concern — though it’s a concern as to how the system might be abused rather than whether such schools actually work.

Sax said separating the sexes allows teachers and administrators to focus on the different ways boys and girls learn. Girls, he said, learn better in quiet classrooms and intimate schools where they are on a first-name basis with their teachers. Boys learn better when teachers challenge them to answer rapid-fire questions and address them by their last names.

One question would be whether such behavioral differences are cultural vs. biological. If the former, it might be better to try to correct the societal forces that lead to such behavioral differences. On the other hand, it may not be possible to tell, and if it improves academic learning, that’s the important thing — or is it?

Single-sex schools also reduce the pressure to preen for boyfriends or girlfriends, Sax said. “Single-sex schools, in ways that matter, are much more like the real world. Because unless you are a model or an actress, how you look is not the most important thing in your life,” Sax said.

I went to an all-boys high school for a year and a half. I don’t know that my academic education was any improved by the experience — though I suspect my social education was likely hampered. My sense is that while a single-sex education may reduce the opportunity for social mingling (and thus preening and other “unimportant” things), it has a distorting effect when you finally get the genders back together (“Look! Girls!”).

As to the “real world” similarities, I’m not sure that’s true. How one looks — dresses, etc. — is an important part of the business world, as is learning to deal with both genders equally. To that extent, separation only heightens the awareness of differences, and the assumptions one then makes about it. Is a man more likely to treat a woman as an equal when there’s been a state-sanctioned demonstration that they are not (regardless of whether different means better or not).

I dunno. I know that, already, Katherine plays differently with little boys vs little girls, though she plays well with both. I think either gender segregation in (some) schooling or integration in all has its benefits and drawbacks. It will be interesting to see what opportunities Katherine has in that, and what decisions we make about it.

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12 thoughts on “Separate and equal?”

  1. Hmmm…Based on that article I’m a girl. The school type that they are describing for the girls is just like the Hippy School I went to.

    I guess I don’t get the point that seperation would get rid of Peer Pressure. Anytime there are two or more people in a competitive area, you are going to have Peer pressure.

    I say Hippy School for everybody!

    Or at least Montessori.

  2. Well, that is in fact one of the dangers of generalizing. I would certainly have preferred to have had “quiet classrooms and intimate schools where they are on a first-name basis with their teacher.” Maybe. Or maybe I would have been more challenged to have been with the more raucous boys.

    So if we discover exceptions to the rule, do we allow them based on what’s good for the individual student, or for the other students? If X will learn better with the Ys, but the Y school doesn’t want any Xs there, how fair is that to X?

  3. There are two factors at work here, in my opinion. Girl/boy interaction becomes particularly difficult around middle school (in fact so does girl/girl although it may be related to the former.) I’m not sure than single sex middle school might not help the situation.
    However, the bigger problem, as I see it, it lack of respect required at school. Respect for teachers, other students, heck even yard dutys. It seems worse in boys, but it affects girls, too. Boys who act up can take the focus of a teacher away from other students (boys and girls) who are quitely going about their learning. This does not make them monsters, but it does subdivide a teacher’s attention. It is very difficult for a female teacher to rein in such students, especially in this era when parents tend to back the student regardless of their infraction. Chaos can take over a classroom. (I speak especially from the point of view of a friend who teaches 8th grade.)
    Girls rarely act up when they are having problems, making it harder for teachers to see when they need help. In fact, a girl falling behind will be difficult to see compared to the boy who is drawing the classroom’s focus. As PC as the world tries to be today, it is important to remember that boys and girls do not necessarily learn the same way, and if they need separate instruction to learn effectively, then we will need to do what’s best for them.

  4. From my own days in the Ed Biz (going on — ack! — 15 years ago), I can confirm that squeaky wheels get the grease, where “squeaky wheels” are kids acting up (90% boys) and “grease” is the teacher’s attention. I know I had good, solid female students in the elementary classes I taught that I didn’t pay enough attention to because there were problem cases I needed to pay attention to. And if there were quiet kids in trouble then, yes, I wouldn’t have paid sufficient attention to them.

    Which is, in fact, one reason I got out of the Ed Biz.

  5. And now, closer to “target=”new”> home.

    It is interesting that the girls get the easier group work while the boys get the individual work. Though, I would love to see a point by point basis of how the classes are different, as well as the past several years of CSAP scores to back up this theory. The more I read on this subject, the more it sounds like a (tightfisted…cheapskate) way to deal with having 40 kids per classroom.

  6. Closer to home indeed, since that’s currently the high school that Katherine will (in a decade or so) be attending.

    I think there is value in having (at least some) gender segregated classes within a gender-integrated school. I think that would get around some of the social issues I have problems with.

    I’m confused by the money savings issue you raise, though. And, at least at AHS , the student-teacher ratio is more like 20:1.

  7. I agree, though it’s lower than what I grew up with. (Though it’s not clear how good those ratios are — to what extent they include resource personnel, coaches, etc., who aren’t actually in the classroom.)

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