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Can’t tell your blogs without a program

For those who are here and have no idea what they’re looking at, or what a blog is, or why there are those little underlined words that say “Comments” and…

For those who are here and have no idea what they’re looking at, or what a blog is, or why there are those little underlined words that say “Comments” and stuff, John Dvorak has your answers.

If you can stay awake long enough to read them. As with much of Dvorak’s writing, it’s a lot more interesting (and accurate-sounding) if you don’t know anything about his topic.

(via J-Walk)

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4 thoughts on “Can’t tell your blogs without a program”

  1. Dvorak is a dweeb. I think I’ve agreed with a combined total of maybe 6 articles he’s ever written in the span of his career. He was very anti-Amiga back in the day as well until Commodore came out and sat his dumb ass down with one and showed him why it was such a great machine. Of course, it being a great machine didn’t stop it from fading into obscurity, but at least he stopped flapping his lips about something he didn’t know very much about.

  2. If I’d invested a nickel in every Absolutely Fabulous and Inevitably Dominating Technology that he’s flogged over the last twenty years, I’d be many thousands of dollars poorer.

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