The Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again.
I got an IM from Amanda, complaining she couldn’t post a comment to my post on Casino Royale. I tried as well, and got the following server-level message.
412 Precondition Failed
The precondition on the request for the URL /blog/mt/mt-comments.cgi evaluated to false.
Well, that’s odd.
But other posts were allowing comments just fine.
Hmmmm …
I hie myself off to Google to search on the error. I run across a few references, and it sounds like a mod_security error, keying off some Forbidden Spam-like Word.
Could it be …?
I try revising the title. No effect. Then I revise the underlying post file name (“”new_casino_royale_trailer.html”), which included the dreaded word … casino.
See, that word shows up in waaaaay too many spam messages. And doubtless there’s now some server-level anti-spam thang that block stuff that has that word in it (or has links to a file/site with that word in it, or something like that).
I redid the MT basename for that file (“new_cas_royale_trailer.html”) and, hey-presto, the post allows comments.
How many other weirdities do you think might occur out there in the coming months as more people comment on (or link to blog posts on) Casino Royale?
I have a South African commenter who can’t post unless he goes through a proxy in another country. Buh?
As system complexity increases…