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BT07 – So why am I doing this?

Well, it depends on what “this” means … Why am I reviewing comics? Well, I read a lot of them.  Not as many as I once did, but quite a…

Well, it depends on what “this” means …

Why am I reviewing comics?

Well, I read a lot of them.  Not as many as I once did, but quite a few.  So I know whereof I speak on the subject, have a long history with the media, and …

… well, I like them obviously.  I think it can be a tremendously exciting and entertaining and thought-provoking medium.  Even the spandex-punch-outs can, when done well, provide insight into the human condition, or at least provide as much rollicking fun as any summer action flick.

But why review comics for the Blogathon?  Because, since I read so many of them, I want to pass on my thoughts on the individual instances to others.  Not just the purposes of tooting my own horn or sounding like I’m really a better writer than person X or can draw better than person Y or feel qualified to pass some sort of cosmic justice on either of them.  But because, as a reader, I rely on recommendations.  When you’re talking about, for TPBs, dropping $15-30 for a book, you want some sense that it’s something you’re going to feel was worth the investment when you’re done.

So if you agree with my aesthetic judgment (and I don’t pretend it’s anything more profound or divinely inspired than my taste in food or clothing), you can take my recommendations to heart.  Or if you find that you agree with me about X but not necessarily Y, you can similarly gauge my thoughts on Z.

Or, put another way, I’ve had multiple people come to me after Blogathons thanking me for a recommendation I made.  Making other people happy is … a nice thing for me.  Especially if it’s something that made me happy, too.  So if I can do that, it’s worth the effort.

Why am I supporting the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund?

So what is the ERD, and why am I blogging on their behalf?  I mean, aren’t there lots of worthy organizations of this sort?

Well, sure.  And if you choose to support them, more power to you.  I’m more interested in people helping other people than the route they take in doing so. 

So why the ERD?  I think they do a good job.  And, being Episcopalian, I feel a certain affinity toward them — though I hasten to note again that they are not an evangelical organization, they don’t tie strings to their programs, and their interest is in helping others rather than in converting them.  They’re religiously inspired, but not overtly religious, if that makes any sense.

And I’ll admit there’s a certain uncharitable frisson in me, too.  The ERD’s help has been turned down by some conservative Anglican groups and leaders in areas where they’ve offered funding for programs — not because of anything the ERD has particularly done, but more because they are associated by name with that Evil, Heretical, Liberal, Ungodly (gay-loving and woman-ordaining) Episcopal Church, and we simply cannot have that, can we?  I mean, if we accept money from them, or allow them to help provide development and relief programs in our countries, it means their liberal cooties will get all over us!  Eek!  Better people die of malnutrition and malaria!

So, yes, it’s a bit petty of me, but if I can show my support for some helpful people who are being unjustifiably snubbed by a bunch of religious conservative despite their honest attempt to help … I’ll be pleased to do so.

Why am I doing the Blogathon?

Because it’s fun.  And challenging.  And to prove I can. 

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