Spent much of the evening helping Katherine finish up her science project for this year’s science fair at school. She’s doing it on sugar crystal growth. Margie did much of the grunt work assisting with the experiment, etc., but I’m point man on helping with presentation of the results on the ubiquitous tri-fold foamcore boards. Plus I took a bunch of pictures and printed them at the office for her.
But it’s clear — to us and to Katherine — that we are here to help, not to do it for her. And when she made a design decision, I did not override her. As she put it, going to bed tonight:
You’re not the kind of parents who say, “I’m just going to let you do it with no help or anything, whatever.” And you’re not the parents who say, “Oh, I’ll do this all for you just perfectly so you don’t have to do a thing.”
Which is right in the zone we want to be.
Pix and further reportage tomorrow evening.