Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- USDA Tightens Chicken Rules – Damn bunch of socialists, interfering with the consumer’s right to buy tainted chicken! What would the Founding Fathers say?
- Humble Indie Bundle hits $1m, goes open-source, gets 4 day extension – I made a donation — worthy causes and some cool games.
- Going to Mars—sort of – I will definitely be keeping an eye out for information on contacting these people.
- Heavy rain may flood Front Range with 1.8 inches of precipitation tonight – The Denver Post – Thar’s a storm a-brewin’, boys!
- Perversely stupid (cont’d.) – “Constantly arguing in bad faith leads to thinking in bad faith and to living in bad faith, until bad faith is all you’ve got left. Calculation becomes habit, that habit supplants thought and one winds up in the perverse circumstance of earnestly arguing for the goodness of oil spills.”
- Palestinian Official: I Call Palestine ‘The New Philippines’ – Without disputing the damage that the Palestinians have done to their own cause, there’s little doubt that the Israeli government, through its support of ever-expanding settlements, is dealing in extremely bad faith (so to speak).
- Republicans And Right-Wing Media Push Myth That Kagan ‘Banned’ Military Recruiters From Harvard Law School – Let’s not let the truth get in the way of our talking points!
- Telecoms’ Secret Plan To Attack Net Neutrality: Target Video Gamers And Stoke Fear Of Chinese Censorship – Isn’t claiming that Net Neutrality is a government takeover of the Internet sort of like claiming the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a government takeover of the hotel industry?
- Kagan and military recruiters, redux – “The problem, of course, is that the criticism is factually wrong, a detail her detractors either don’t realize or choose to ignore.”
- Pew pew! For science! Lasers map ancient Mayan temples – Very cool.
- The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook – But heaven help you if you try to pull data out of Facebook.
- Cool collection of optical illusions – Flipper? I hardly know’er!
- You’re an asshole, not a genius – Queue jumpers are among the lowest forms of life. Turning your signal on doesn’t change that.
- Alabama, evolution, and the 21st century – Alabama is pretty far down on the list of places I’d be willing to visit, let alone live.
- Ending the ‘war on drugs’ – There’s certainly a role for law enforcement regarding drugs, but treating it as a “war” — complete with getting overly involved in military exploits overseas as well as spending zillions at home with little effect and filling our prisons without actually much impacting drug use or profits … well, that’s been a war we weren’t winning and can’t afford to keep fighting. If you can’t impact the supply, though, you can certainly try to impact the demand.
- Lowest taxes in more than a half-century – Money graf: “Looking ahead, tax rates more in line with the recent norm — say, tax rates of the 1990s, when the economy was strong and the budget was balanced — would do wonders to reduce the deficit the right pretends to care about.”
- King: If Gays Don’t Want To Be Discriminated Against, They Should Stay In the Closet – People only keep quiet about things they feel ashamed or fearful about. While I don’t expect my gay acquaintances to be going into graphic detail about their sexual escapades (I don’t expect my straight acquaintances to do so, either), I also don’t think they should have to hide the fact of their personal relationships.
- Schlafly: Obama Must Apologize to America For His “Poor Moral Tone” – As soon as she apologizes for being a pushing, judgmental, blithering ignoramus.
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