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Unblogged Bits (Fri. 4-Jun-10 1400)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. McDonald’s to recall ‘Shrek’ glass cups, citing cadmium health risks – – I am shocked and appalled by this government intrusion into the marketplace! Blatant Obama-inspired socialism, this is! Parents should be free to buy cadmium-laced promotional glasses whenever they want, and if their children die of cancer from exposure at one fast food restaurant, they can always go to a different one in the future!
  2. When the only way you can lose is by winning – I don’t mind fostering sportsmanship, or coming up with ways to discourage running the score to ridiculous levels. But there are lessons to be learned in losing, too, and the real world operates on them. Penalizing a team or individual who does too well is not what I think we want to be teaching our kids.
  3. Flashback: In 2000, Vitter Proposed Legislation To Reduce Criminal Liability Of Oil Companies For Spills – Support your local congressman! (Like the oil companies do!)
  4. Karl Rove, pure as the driven snow – “And just as an aside, it’s not my place to tell Republicans how to make their fundraising appeals, but holding Karl Rove out as an example of an official who didn’t play electoral hardball is truly ridiculous.”
  5. Souter’s Case Against Originalism – Well said. The Constitution is not a clear-cut technical document, nor are the issues that make it to SCOTUS as plain and unambiguous as some would like to pretend. I don’t want judges overreaching themselves, but I also dislike judges doing so even while protesting that they’re just “calling balls and strikes.”
  6. Keeping the Courts Corporate – What’s good for the Chamber of Commerce is good for America!
  7. Out of Control on Videotape – Police are public servants, empowered to enforce the law, by lethal force if necessary. That they are being so successful in (maliciously) prosecuting people who try to simply record their encounters with them is disturbing, ill-advised, and just wrong.
  8. Jindal Opposes Offshore Drilling Moratorium – Some interesting observations on offshore drilling and state economics.
  9. Government Prayer and Minority Rights in a Democracy – Everybody’s a minority in some way. If the “majority rules” crowd gets their way in government-sanctioned Christian prayers, what government-sanctioned discriminatory activity is a majority you don’t belong to going to impose on you?
  10. Kangaroo kicks kid into the lake /
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2 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Fri. 4-Jun-10 1400)”

  1. So how do you feel about handicapping in Golf or Bowling? There are ways to even the playing field that don’t remove competition.

    1. That’s certainly one mechanism, though handicapping works best for individuals in a repetitive competition which might not work for youth sports.

      Still, as you say, there are ways to do it.

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