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And so begins two months of confusion

Today was the last “normal” weekday I’ll be having until … um … probably the end of July.

  • We take Katherine to a Girl Scout camp up in the Rockies.
  • Margie heads off on a business trip in Northern California.
  • I play bachelor. And pine.  And, perhaps, keen.
  • Margie returns.
  • We pick up Katherine.
  • I fly off to Orlando for a business trip.
  • Margie and Katherine join me later that week, and we go to Walt Disney World.
  • We travel from there to Southern California.
  • I work a few days in our Pasadena office.
  • We do our big “KOA” family/friend “camping” trip up above Paso Robles.
  • Margie and I fly home; Katherine stays for “Granma & Grampa Camp” with each set of grandparents.
  • Margie and I get three weeks of DINKdom.
  • Katherine goes to a Girl Scout camp down in SoCal.
  • Margie and I fly out for the San Diego Comic Con.
  • We all fly home.

After that we have a pretty normal summer.  Except for braces. And Blogathon. And … well, I’m sure some other zaniness will raise its seductively attractive head.

Don’t get me wrong — most of the above is pretty cool and fun and all. But … I’ll need to check my calendar daily to figure out where I am and who’s with me.

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2 thoughts on “And so begins two months of confusion”

  1. Though you may wail and gnash your teeth, I don’t think you’ll technically keen unless Margie dies, and we don’t even want to contemplate that, ok?
    But the whole idea of only knowing where you are when you look at your datebook, that part I get. Maybe you should make flash cards to put next to the bed –
    “I am Dave and today I’m in …”

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