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Unblogged Bits (Fri. 4-Jun-10 2001)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Don’t Rinse With This Contact Lens Solution Unless You Want Burned Corneas – I … think I’ll just stick to glasses.
  2. Forbidden Art Imitates Life Imitating Art – Heh.
  3. Life After Death, in Digital Form – Best Sendoff – Obit Magazine – It’s been a year or two since I considered what would happen to all my digital “stuff” were I to get hit by the proverbial bus. And in that time, my digital presence has grown. What will — or should — happen to my blog archives, my Twitter entries, my online pix, etc.? Should I care? (Regardless, I do.)
  4. Bobby Jindal: No Life in Louisiana Marshes – And yet he’s still staunchly opposed to an offshore drilling moratorium.
  5. Video: Glenn Beck Airs Israeli Raid Footage | The Daily Show | Comedy Central – Glenn Beck is … reality-challenged, willfully or not.
  6. Zombie Lee Atwater – On the housing/loan bubble and succeeding economic melt-down, and the meme that it was because the government “forced” banks to make home loans to poor people who couldn’t afford it. “What makes this smear so repellent is that it blames poor people — mostly minorities — for bringing on the crisis. But what makes it so maddening is that it’s so demonstrably false.”
  7. If There Was a Sequel – Dubya’s proud enough of his torturing that he fliply claims he’d do it again. But, then, even one of Dubya’s most grievous flaws was an inability to ever, ever admit that what he did was wrong.
  8. Staver et al Threaten to Withdraw Support For Immigration Reform Over Domestic Partners – Because it’s more important to keep TEH GAYZ!!! out than deal with the massive immigration problems we have in this country. Is that what Jesus would do?
  9. We Just Tore Up Our Contract With Mother Nature – “Or, more vividly, we just pissed and shit all over said contract.” Regarding (most specifically) the BP Oil Disaster.
  10. Talk To Action | No, Mr. Beck, Congress Did Not Print a Bible for the Use of Schools – Excellent, detailed, and citation-filled article on the Robert Aitkin Bible of 1782 and a take-down on the Christian nationalists who claim it proves the early US was a “Bible Nation.”
  11. – Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster – Cool (and disturbing) simple Google Maps app to overlay the BP Oil Disaster onto your home town. In my case, it covers from Glenwood Springs to Colorado Springs to Cheyenne and into Nebraska. Yeesh.
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