Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Rep. Paul Broun To Obama: “You Don’t Believe In The Constitution. You Believe In Socialism” – Rep. Paul Broun is also a dolt.
- Arkansas Supermarket Covers Up Magazine with Photo of Gay Family – Yeesh.
- First Look at the Anime-style Thundercats UPDATED: New Image! – Fairly cool looking — though Cheetara looks way to wimpy-elfin, and I’m very sorry to hear that the Kits and Snarf are included in the package.
- Mom Convicted of Felony, Jailed for Fraudulently Sending Kids to Safer School – Well, we certainly can’t have have-nots hobnobbing with the haves, can we? What else is the law there to do but protect us from such a state?
- The original Battlestar Galactica series bible is Ron Moore’s rebuke to Star Trek – Avoiding “the usual stories about parallel universes, time-travel, mind-control, evil twins, God-like powers and all the other cliches.” But we will have prophecies and flashbacks and future histories, humans who turn out to be programmed robots compelled to do things, multiple versions of the same people with different personalities, and some divine spirit who’s pulling the strings of destiny somewhere. I’m not quite sure where the vision here went off the rails. (I speak half in jest — BSG did some remarkable and stunning things, esp. toward the beginning of the series — but half in truth.)
- Is It An Underage Sex Slave Ring, Or A Hoax? Either Way, Planned Parenthood Calls The FBI – As presented, I vote sleazy, video-trolling, ACORN-bashing-style hoax.
- Barton: “I Guarantee You They Are Getting Homosexual Indoctrination” in Public Schools – The crazy! It burns!
- Rep. Peter King: ‘80 Percent Of Mosques In This Country Are Controlled By Radical Imams’ – Rep. Peter King is a dolt.
- House GOP wants to monitor what you are doing online – Not that the Dems have been all that impressive with privacy issues, but the GOP’s willingness to go all Big Brother Police State with information gathering on the off chance that it will protect Law & Order is a lovely juxtaposition to the quasi-libertarianism of the Tea Parties that brought them to power.
- Facebook Turns Friend Activity Into New Ad Format – Yet another reason to minimize Facebook usage.
- Voyager and the Will to Explore – “Long-term projects are guided by the decisions and the will of those who conceive and nurture them. The question now is whether we have the will to keep pushing, Voyager style, into the dark.”
- Bush Aides Violated Federal Law – I wouldn’t hold my breath as to any criminal charges being filed.
- Michele Bachmann Erroneously Gives Our Founders Credit For Ending Slavery – … for certain broad values of “Founders” …
- Turn of fortune for NASA as solar sail successfully deploys – Cool!
- – News : More troops lost to suicide – “The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions.” — Robert Wilson Lynd
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