Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Quote of the Day – I would ask why anyone still cares about anything McCain says, except that he remains a regular on political talk shows and the press.
- South Dakota’s odious new anti-abortion law – Thank goodness the GOP stands for Personal Freedom against Intrusive Government!
- Shermer Spam Scammers Scam – I want one of those certificates. Maybe it will help me past US passport control.
- Smithsonian. Historically Hardcore. | – Fun. If only it were a real campaign.
- BBC News – Academics to ’embrace Wikipedia’ – There’s nothing particularly wrong with Wikipedia that awareness of its weaknesses and strengths can’t deal with. It’s a fabulously useful source of information — so long as you drill down appropriately into the source data.
- GeekMom » Open Letter to David E. Kelley, Re: Wonder Woman FAIL
- Badass of the Week: Hideaki Akaiwa – Bravo, sir.
- Alternatives Have Begun in Bid to Hear from Spirit – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Awwwww …
- Medical marijuana: Donor complaints lead food bank to abandon dispensary pot-for-food drive – Denver News – The Latest Word – Yes, and we can’t accept any roadside help from those Samaritans — I mean, what would Jesus say?!
- The Tokyo Joe’s Story – Love my TJ lunch!
- Yglesias » Arab Autocrats Think Fighting Gaddafi Will Help Them Maintain Power – “There’s an obvious question as to what, in reality, American policy in the Arab world is. Is this part of a policy of boosting democratic change in the region, or is it part of a policy of bolstering the position of the Persian Gulf dictators who are important clients of American arms manufacturers?”
- David Barton’s Anti-Islam Expert Is Disgraced Former FBI Agent – “Apparently, the Muslim Brotherhood is so powerful that it managed to get Guandolo to sleep with the key government witness he was supposed to be protecting in order to discredit him and stop him from exposing their plot to take over the United States.”
- The Founding Fathers Had a National Motto: E Pluribus Unum – Yes, but we aren’t interested in the “Many” any more — just the folks who believe in our “God”!
- IRD: How Dare Methodists Include Buddhist and Shinto Groups in Japan Memorial Service – Because of you’re not praying to Jesus, YOU’RE EEEEVIIILLLLL!!!!!
- CWA: Gay “Bullies” Too Powerful In Government – Then why do you keep opposing anti-bullying legislation? Dolts.
- Communication Is Key – Yes!
- Cool World Control Panel for budding evil geniuses – Boing Boing – Sweet!
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