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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 12-Jul-11 2331)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. How To Turn Your Netbook Into a Chromebook with Chromium OS – Well, there’s an interesting idea. And if I had a week free to pursue it …
  2. Instant Oatmeal
  3. Tea Party Group Believes “Public Schools Should Go Away” – Because restricting education to those who can afford it (and those who get “private charity”) is just what made this country great. Crikey.
  4. Lawrence O’Donnell Explains “Rope-a-Dope” Strategy – Man, I hope it’s all been as clever as this makes it look.
  5. Brady Bunch Creator Sherwood Schwartz Dies at 94 – This man had an inordinate influence on my childhood and my view of the world. And any universe that doesn’t include the Gilligan’s Island Players performing “Hamlet” is a sad, barren universe indeed.
  6. Theme Park Bits: Update on Marvel’s Future in Disneyland and A New Ride That Allows You To Battle Your Favorite Animated Villain – Honestly? I think the intrusion of the Marvel Universe into Disneyland would be a huge mistake. The two have very, very different vibes.
  7. Why does the Senate Chaplain make $150k and have staff making $129k, $86k, and $52k? – Do Senators really need someone on staff (with staff!) to lead them in prayer and provide on-site counseling? Isn’t that something, oh, they should have their own individual pastors for?
  8. George W Bush should be prosecuted over torture, says human rights group: Chris McGreal
  9. Sister Wives Stars File Suit to Legalize Polygamy | Religion Dispatches – Interesting. Unfortunately, I’m sure it will provide plenty more fuel for the anti-gay marriage crowd.
  10. God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann | Politics | Religion Dispatches – And she’s considered a front-runner for the GOP. It’s simultaneously hilarious and terrifying.
  11. Cantor: Taxing The Rich Is Off The Table, But Making Students Pay More Immediately Is Fine | ThinkProgress – Let them borrow cake!
  12. The Associated Press: APNewsBreak: Romney rejects gay marriage pledge – “Undignified and inappropriate” — two perfect words for the candidates (Bachmann and Santorum) who have signed the pledge.
  13. Should kids be banned from restaurants? – All Salon – – We’ve take Katherine to restaurants for as long as she’s been alive. The difference (from too many parents) being that we’ve made it clear the behavior we expect from her, we’ve tried to come up with unobtrusive ways for her to entertain herself when appropriate, and we’ve been willing (when the age demanded it) to bail on the rest of dinner, as needed, to keep from disturbing fellow diners. I appreciate the sentiments of Mr Vuick, having seen some appallingly lax parenting (and poor parental socialization) in restaurants — but if you ban kids from good restaurants, how are they going to know how to behave later?
  14. The right’s weird Michelle Obama problem – War Room – – Lunacy. Just sheer lunacy, even if you’re charitable enough to scrub all the racism from the conversation.
  15. Interchange Improvement Project Begins on I-25 at Santa Fe Drive — CDOT – Wow. That should make things … interesting. Though it should be a huge improvement once complete.
  16. America’s creditor identifies its budget problem – Glenn Greenwald – – Not that they aren’t a bit self-interested in it, but it’s refreshing to hear someone else say it.
  17. Silica gel: What happens if I eat it? – By Will Oremus – Slate Magazine
  18. New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms: Barker town clerk Laura Fotusky resigns over gay marriage. – While I disagree with Ms Fotusky’s position, I respect her willingness to quit her job rather than compromise her moral beliefs. (And, yes, I’d feel the same way, on both counts, if she chose to resign because she could not, in good conscience, marry a mixed-race couple.)
  19. Israel Bans Boycotts Against the State – – Yes, because banning political opposition is just what you do when you want to avoid delegitimization.
  20. ‘The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra’: The Creators Speak – Speakeasy – WSJ – Came home to find Kitten watching the series finale of A:TLA, which reminded me of this follow-up (originally slated for 2011), which prompted me to search out what was going on with it.
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2 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Tue. 12-Jul-11 2331)”

  1. 5. My favorite GI moment was when the “ape-man” was messily devouring a bowl of mushy stuff with his bare hands and Mr. Howell exclaimed, “Good heavens! A Yale man!”

    6. Would you add Marvel to California Adventure? It seems as if it would be a better fit, and it might increase traffic there.

  2. 5. I still use that line, as well as various let-them-eat-cake lines in TH3’s voice.

    6. Maybe. I’d keep it carefully segmented, though. Two reasons: (1) I’m not convinced Disney’s going to keep Marvel long-term, and (2) Again, mixing up Disney/Pixar with Marvel still seems to be mixing apples and oranges.

    There’s also an issue of how fast the MU evolves (even if the focus is on “movie” stuff).

    I think the idea of a “Stark Plaza” in Tomorrowland is the best I’ve heard, and I think it would still be jarring.

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