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Gay employees of Chick-fil-A

I thought this was an interesting article about gay people who work at CfA outlets (and, in at least a couple of cases) at company HQ, and their experiences there.  My understanding is that CfA tends to pay a bit better than other fast food joints, and so it's not surprising that, at least on a local level, people who need a job will end up there.

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Gay Chick-Fil-A Employees Speak Out
Elected officials have urged Chick-fil-A to stay out of their cities, the Jim Henson Company has severed ties, and gay rights groups are organizing national protests against the fried chicken chain. B…

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8 thoughts on “Gay employees of Chick-fil-A”

  1. I really like this article because it so strongly underlines that the problem here is less the dumb statements made by a CEO, but societies penchant for overreacting to show 'how much they care' about their issue without regard to who they are targeting.

  2. One of the more interesting aspects to me (which may be just rephrasing what you're saying, +Andrew Eva) is the brutal tribalism (from both directions) that these folks have encountered in the past few days, on the assumption that if they work at CfA they must be zealous supporters of the corporation's activism. 

  3. I agree. This hate only serves to separate the two sides. If someone is on the fringe of supporting gay rights, calling them names will only serve to move them away from your cause. If you are thinking of helping someone and you see hate towards you, I don't find it likely that you will help them. And the people who act like, OMG, now "those people" won't be at Chick-Fil-A anymore are equally annoying because their actions are EXACTLY opposite what it should be. I think both sides of this should look at the Good Samaritan and take it to heart. A great lesson for all of humanity really.

  4. +William Bobo, given that there are many Christians who consider gays disgusting, sinful, evil abominations and deviants who deserve to be imprisoned, if not killed, and who spare no opportunity to decry their relationships as vile and worthless, it's not surprising that some gays take that a bit "too" personally.

    Of course, that's not true of all gays. Nor of all Christians.

  5. +William Bobo Show me the Christians who've been hospitalized by angry groups of gays with baseball bats. This happened to two gay men I personally know. One of them died. To a lot of gay men, that's really common. Does it make stereotyping right? No. But the reality is that gay people in many parts of the country still literally live in fear for their safety. So you can understand why they have bad feelings about a population that regularly speaks of them as if they were subhuman and uses catchphrases like "God Hates Fags" to incite rage.

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