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"This awful a poster never happened to the other fellow"

I like "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" … but, damn, this poster is a mess.  And that's probably the least heroic Bond pose on record.  (Also, Diana Rigg  should sue.)

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12 thoughts on “"This awful a poster never happened to the other fellow"”

  1. He was given a very difficult role (replace Connery, cry, be redubbed and overdubbed for much the film, wear a kilt and frilly shirts and a cravat). I'd have like to have seen what he would have done in subsequent outings.

  2. Heh, yeah, he's the only Bond I can remember that wore a kilt….and a frilly shirt. Agreed, though, I would have liked to see how he would have done in a few more films. He couldn't have been any worse than Dalton, imo.

  3. Actually, Dalton's one of my favorite Bonds … I thought he brought a brutal violence to the role that had been sorely missing in the Moore years.  Granted, "License to Kill" is an awful movie, but largely because it's poorly written. "The Living Daylights" is actually one of my faves, even if the geopolitics of it are cringeworthy to a modern audience.

    (Interestingly, apparently Dalton was up for the role in OHMSS, but, at 25, felt he was too young.  Lazenby was actually the youngest Bond of all time, at 29.)

  4. I just never thought Dalton "looked" the part of Bond….I guess my view had been jaded by Moore and, later, Connery. That's a bit of my problem with Craig….he just doesn't "look" the part but, at least, Craig comes off a bit more suave then Dalton….of course, just my view.

    I didn't know that about Dalton and OHMSS…..very interesting bit of trivia 🙂

  5. Adam West was approached, too, before Lazenby was brought on (according to IMDB); he declined, feeling the role should be held by a British actor. (Ironically, it went to an Aussie.)

  6. I'd forgotten the very revealing shot of same when Tracy shows up in Bond's bedroom at the casino. Very wolf-whistlable.

    That said, it's still an awful picture of her in the poster (assuming it was even modeled off of her).

  7. Craig combines the suaveness and savagery in a similar fashion to Dalton, IMO. But it's hard to compare the two very much because the very different tone of the Craig Bond flicks.

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