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The song is ended, but the Google lingers on

So what happens to your Google data (email, etc.) once you are no longer able to access it due to going to the Giant 404 Page in the Sky?  Well, now you can set things up so that another trusted user will have access even if you haven't provided them with your Google password.

This is a good thing, and should be part of anyone's estate planning.

(Note — since it's actually depending on lack of activity, it would also start up in case of your becoming disabled for a prolonged period.)

Google Public Policy Blog: Plan your digital afterlife with Inactive Account Manager
Thursday, April 11, 2013 at 12:05 PM ET. Posted by Andreas Tuerk, Product Manager Not many of us like thinking about death — especially our own. But making plans for what happens after you’re gone is …

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4 thoughts on “The song is ended, but the Google lingers on”

  1. I had decided that I was going to end up including a copy of my master-password in a secure box to be opened in event of my death.  This provides a useful alternative.  Though hopefully not for a long time.

  2. Well, a master password is still probably the best idea (your executor might not want to wait for three months).  If you use a service like LastPass, providing that as the master key to your other accounts seems ideal, combined with a safe deposit box.

  3. Margie and I know each others' standards, as well as our LastPass master PWs. On the chance that we would both get hit by the proverbial bus, though, we should have something set up.

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