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The SF Curriculum

In general I tend to be suspicious of legislators pushing their own agendas on school curricula.  But, damn, I would have loved to have had more SF in my junior and senior high English classes.

West Virginia Legislator Wants Mandatory Science Fiction In Schools
Even as a kid who loved to read from pretty much the first time I could grasp the concept, it was tough dealing with all the assigned reading in school. Not

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5 thoughts on “The SF Curriculum”

  1. To talk of great American authors without paying specific attention to science fiction is like talking about American history and leaving out our role in WWII.  No, it may not be the centerpiece of our lives, but it's a place we showed our greatness and everyone who isn't us still remembers it.

  2. One of those rare Einstein quotes that is actually Einstein:

    "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, "stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
    — Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-American physicist
    “What Life Means to Einstein,” Interview with G. Viereck, Saturday Evening Post (26 Oct 1929)

  3. Hmmm. Now as I recall, I took a class in SF in high school (in Colorado).  Much of it was focused on a textbook of short stories, most of which were not my cuppa.

    Clearly what I actually want was an SF/F lit course that I could choose the books for. 🙂

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