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A splendid civics lesson from the GOP to today's youth

Though it is legal (indeed, constitutionally mandated, per the Supreme Court) for college students to register and vote in the college communities they are temporarily attending, that just doesn't sit right with some state GOP legislatures. So they keep trying to find ways to discourage it, like:

– Not letting parents deduct their student kids as dependents if they register to vote at college (North "We hate taxes, unless we can use them to do stuff we like" Carolina)

– Requiring colleges to treat students who register to vote there as in-state students, creating a financial disincentive to the colleges that have been encouraging them to register to vote. (Ohio)

The problem being, of course, that college students tend to vote Democratic, and thus affect local and state-wide politics.  If only they could be discouraged from voting while young and radical, or at least until they go back home, then (the Republican thought seems to be) all would be well.

A great lesson in civics and civil responsibility, GOP.  You get a gold star and an American flag for that one.

Reshared post from +Paula Jones

Boy, the Republicans are really afraid of the youth vote.

Fear of the youth vote, now in Ohio
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1979 that students have a constitutional right to vote where they go to school, even if they’re considered an out-of-state student. But since the 2012 election, Republi…

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