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SOTU Sauce for the Gander

If you're going to applaud at the president noting he has "no more campaigns to run," don't be shocked at getting a zinger back.

(I'm not convinced it was an "ad lib," though. Obama and his team are smart enough to anticipate that sort of sophomoric reaction; indeed, they're smart enough to provoke it, in order to get in that kind of laugh line.)

Obama Drops Ad-Libbed Burn on Republicans During State of the Union
Here’s how one of the concluding sections of President Obama’s State of the Union on Tuesday night was supposed to go: But what actually happened was that after “I have no more campaigns to run” Republicans started clapping derisively. And Obama responded with an ad-lib that will likely go down…

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7 thoughts on “SOTU Sauce for the Gander”

  1. Obama is, as most politicians are, between a rock and a hard place. If he did nothing he is weak. If he said something folks like yourself say he is childish. Me, I think he has every right to stand up for himself and call people out. That is how you nip BS in the butt.

    But I have to call you out for bullshit +Mark Means , this is not an issue between both sides of the isles. Please recall for me the events of the Democrats blurting out and causing ruckus during Bush's SOTU. Or perhaps you remember the time when the Democrats got so whiney they decided to shut down the government to get their way over an issue they could have prevented by not writing the checks to begin with. No? I dont remember those either.

    I can go on and on about the Republican dirty tactics with Obama if you really need me to but this is a pretty one sided issue.

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