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An Embarrassment of Riches (TV Edition)

I hate to say it, but there's too much TV we really like to keep up. Not helped by business trips of one or another, we are simply way behind in shows we like.

And mid-season hiatuses don't help because they put in new shows for us to like.

On the other hand, it means we get a great night like tonight:

1. Catching up with "The Flash".
2. Watching an episode (though still behind, season-wise) of "The Musketeers".
3. Catching up with "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD".

I guess this is a good problem to have.


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14 thoughts on “An Embarrassment of Riches (TV Edition)”

  1. One advantage to cutting the cord is you end up giving up some of the shows because Hulu+ doesn't have them. Missed the whole last season of The Mentalist. Have no idea what's going on on Person of Interest (both CBS shows, notice a trend there?) and haven't seen a Big Bang Theory in forever.

    That said, Hulu+ does have both seasons of The Amazing World of Gumball which makes me laugh so much I've binging on it.

  2. I don't even watch that many shows anymore, but I still have trouble keeping up. I love Agents of SHIELD, but finding time to watch it with the husbandperson means we're perpetually behind. And we've missed a whole season of Orphan Black, too.

  3. +Les Jenkins Well, yeah, I can quit any time …

    This has been a remarkable season, and it's possible we'll simply quit some shows due to "too many better, too little time." "Mentalist" and "Castle" have fallen into that category this season, or are veering toward it.

    And none of that counts (a) TV shows we have on disc to watch (S3 and S4 of "Korra," last season of "Big Bang Theory," "Broadchurch." Plus movies. Too many movies.

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