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The Battle for the DC Cinematic Universe

It really sounds like there's a lack of clear vision for what they want to do with the DCCU as a whole. Zack Snyder seems to have a lot of influence (for better or worse), but it's unclear if he has anything to say over films outside his direct control, and there are a lot of layers of WB suits sticking their fingers in as well.

Meanwhile, they're soliciting multiple scripts for each project, apparently hoping that someone will do something that they like (and that hopefully won't conflict with someone else's movie).

I really want the DCCU to succeed, whether I like any given project or not (though that would be nice, too). I'm just not seeing that happen as of yet.

Superman vs. Batman? DC’s Real Battle Is How to Create Its Superhero Universe
This story first appeared in the May 8 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.

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2 thoughts on “The Battle for the DC Cinematic Universe”

  1. I don't see why they want to copy Marvel with all the crossover movies. Keeping each character in their own universe works much better for DC characters who generally are not Team players. I'm dreading the damage Superman v Bat man will do to both franchises I felt man of steel had just gotten Superman back to a good place and this movie is going to kill that.

  2. So what's the problem with DC creating a universe? DC and Marvel should be doing it. No ones copying, that's just the way it is. Fanboys just like to hate and complain. DC universe is going to end up better than Marvel. Watch.

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