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it's GOOD to make money off the "Winter White House"

The problem here is that there are reasonable cases to be made on both sides. On the one hand, since the President is operating out there such a substantial amount of time (he's spent 28% of his term so far either staying at Mar-a-Lago or traveling between DC and there), there is a de facto officiality to the location, and descriptions of its history are actually apropos and interesting.

On the other hand, Trump is making money off Mar-a-Lago. There's no two ways around it. The money is ostensibly kinda-sorta not under his view and control, but it's out there, waiting. And he's getting a ton of money invested in he property by the Secret Service, et al., and a ton of money from the official folk staying at the resort, and a ton of money from the raised dues for members of the resort.

It's all money going into the Donald Trump's ledger, even if he theoretically doesn't get it for another 4-8 years.

In that context, it's clearly unethical to have State Department web pages flacking for how faboo a place Mar-a-Lago is. I chuckle, because Trump doesn't think the ethics of it affect him, because he's the President (neener-neener).

And all this demonstrates the problem of Trump's entanglement between his personal business and his official business. If this was his private residence (such as Nixon's San Clemente, or Bush's ranch), it wouldn't be an issue. If he were staying at a government property such as Camp David, again, no sweat. But Trump has basically thumbed his nose at ethics and conflicts of interest, which means they will continue to come up again, and again, and again.

And, most likely, there's nothing to be done about it, aside from trying to shame him into doing the right thing (unlikely) or using it to keep disdain and outrage toward Trump at a low boil.

State Dept. posts on ‘winter White House’ Mar-a-Lago raise hackles
Watchdogs say the items about President Trump’s private club may violate federal regulations.

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